Nightmare's poly gang. Nsfw

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Mention of rape and has sexual content. read at own risk.

Nightmare and his gang smiled they had just accepted their newest member into their gang and poly group. Lust looked at them all he was shocked when he learned that a part of the bad guys was actually a poly group and he fell in love with them. He was invited by the others when they found out just how well he was at comforting and giving Error the touch therapy he needed. They fell in love with him after they saw just how caring he could be. Everyone was loving helped each other with all their issues and Lust even had a small ritual with Error for when he would help Error a way only he could with his experience in sensual stimulation. (Not sexual,) Lust sat on his legs on Error's bed he had tried to get Error used to longer forms of physical contact. Like cuddles. Lust smiled as Error looked at him nervously. They were alone in Error's room.

"Look Error take your time It can be hard getting used to touching especially with what has become a normal occurrence for you," Lust said. Error turned away from him and slowly laid his head on lust's lap. He was glitching a bit at the contact while Lust praised him for how well he took the contact. Error actually enjoyed it and when cross suddenly barged in did he stay on Lust's lap. Cross looked at them then smiled and sat by Error gave him a small praising comment before giving Lust a small pile of documents. Error knew what it was about. It was about his heat and why he is uncomfortable with touch. Error had actually asked Nightmare to print it and give it to lust as he was not comfortable with telling him. Error had written it down a long time ago and everyone in the poly group knew about his issues and trauma. Error felt something wet touch his face and he realized Lust was crying. Cross had left a while ago.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you," Lust said. Error didn't say anything nor move. He kinda just laid there.

"I want to try something. I'm going to touch your face, and it may feel uncomfortable. Please, tell me if you don't want me to," Lust said. Error didn't respond. Lust gently placed two fingers on each side of Error's jaw. Error tensed up but relaxed once Lust started to move them along what would have been muscle if he was a human. This relaxed Error so much he practically melted in Lust's touch. Lust massaged the entirety of Error's face and comforted him to the best of his abilities. Nightmare came in to ask if Lust had read it but was met with his most fragile mate SLEEPING on SOMEONE massaging and TOUCHING his face.

"how?" Nightmare asked. Lust looked at him.

"facial massages are some of the most relaxing things ever and his touch therapy is going great," Lust said. Nightmare smiled softly looking at the relaxed face of his mate.

"This is rare not only for him to sleep but also touching. Lust you have read the documents, correct?" Nightmare asked. Lust nodded.

"His heat starts next week. Be prepared for heartache," Nightmare warned. Lust knew what he meant. A week passed and Error was more irritable than normal, but it was expected. Lust found a way to quickly neutralize him. Rubbing along one of Error's bones gently massaging it did wonders on calming the angry skeleton. Error's heat started. He locked himself in his room to not hurt anyone. There was no need to worry about Ink creating as the two sides made a truce a long time ago. Both sides could only corrupt/create two AU's a week. Lust slipped Error a bottle of suppression pills trying to help him. It made it bearable for Error it was still painful but now it was bearable. Lust eventually found himself in Error's room knowing full well that the only way for Error's heat to leave was if he had sex with someone. Error was in pain but could easily restrain himself. Lust sighed he made Error lay on his lap and slowly massaged Error's face. Error was a rape victim and would get a flashback to the times he was vulnerable and people had taken advantage of him. Lust slowly massaged the other's face making him calm down and get lost in the feeling. Yes, Error was in pain but the comfort he got from the massages was all he needed to ignore it. Lust knew he could lose a part of Error's trust here but it was heartwrenching to watch him suffer so much. This at least relieved his pain a bit.

"Error I'm going to make the other's help with massaging your body if you can summon a genitalless body that would help us help you," Lust softly spoke. Error did and Lust motioned for the others to enter. Killer and cross each took an arm horror and dust each took a leg while Nightmare massaged Error's stomach. Error was so relaxed.

"You are doing so well Ru," Lust gently cooed. Error completely forgot about his heat and pain. The comfort his mates gave him made his heart flutter. He felt so lucky to have loving mates like those around him. They all praised him and he relaxed he didn't notice that he accidentally summoned genitals.

"Do you want us to help you with your heat?" Lust asked. Error was lost in the comfort he was given. He didn't hear Lust speaking to him. Perfect. Lust gave Nightmare a soft nod. They knew just how much this could mess up their relationship with Error but it hurt to see him like this. Nightmare let a tentacle crawl into Error's pants and stroke Error's muscles around his genitalia that same way all of them stroked the ecto muscle. Error tensed a bit but he quickly calmed down. They continued this for a few moments before another tentacle came to massage Error's genital. Error only noticed the pain subsiding and confused to pleasure for the comforting feeling of the massages. A few minutes passed and Nightmare removed his tentacles he felt Error's heat go away. He gave the others a nod and they continued their massages until Error fell asleep. They cleaned him of the sweat and other fluids that his heat has caused and laid against him falling asleep one by one. 

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