Lust X Horror. Who did it?

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No one P.o.v

Lust was pacing around at a doctor's office. He was scared cause there might be a slight chance for his child not to be horrors. Sci walked out with a disappointed look.

"Not horrors," He said coldly. Everyone knew that Lust was a slut so it wouldn't surprise anyone. Lust broke down crying.

"What were you expecting?" Sci asked. Lust looked at Sci with hatred before storming out. He didn't want to go home but knowing Horror he wouldn't have that much of a choice. He walked home and instantly hid in the bathroom. He cried as he reached the razor blades they kept in the bathroom as he cried. Blood dripped from his wrists almost at the same rate his tear fell. He heard the front door open. He crawled into the corner of the room. He heard his husband call out his name but he only cried knowing that Horror would find him soon. The door opened and Lust cursed himself for forgetting to lock the door. Horror looked at him and walked over to pick him up. He sat down and gently rocked his husband.

"What happened this time?" Horror asked. He knew that lust had a depression and have had it for years actually. He knew that he would do self-harm and tried to stop him but he couldn't hide everything sharp in the house. Lust cried harder. He was afraid.  Horror's phone vibrated but it was more important to get his love to calm down. Horror looked at lust and saw him sleeping. Horror sighed and checked his phone. It was a text from an unknown number. He opened. 'Lust isn't pregnant with your child he was in earlier today to get it checked. this is from Sci by the way.' Horror felt anger burn in him He thought that lust had changed but apparently not. Horror showed him off. Lust woke with a yelp as he landed on the cold floor. Horror stood up death glaring at his husband.

" I can't fucking believe you," Horror said. Lust whimpered scared of what horror might do.

"P-please let-" Lust was cut off as Horror kicked him in the stomach.

"I thought you had changed," Horror yelled as he continued to kick his husband. He didn't care that the other was pregnant.

"It's not-" Lust was cut off again as Horror was holding him in the air by his neck.

"but a slut is a slut," Horror growled. He threw the other on the floor.

"if it's not what it looks like to me you better say it now," Horror growled. Lust caught up blood and looked at Horror.

"I-I was r-r-raped by Du-," Lust said knowing there was no way that the other would believe him. Horror growled and before Lust could even finish was he back in the air slowly being choked.

"I don't believe you Dust is my best friend there is no way in hell that he would rape my husband," Horror said and used his other hand to painfully rip out the souling making Lust scream. Horror let go if Lust and just left him to suffer. Lust curled up in the corner of the room trying to keep the souling alive. It was still his child. Horror went to nightmares castle. He had to get his anger out. He was found in the training room killing off random prey which was just random monsters that they had kidnapped. Killer and Dust entered Nightmare had sent them to check on the hatred that suddenly entered.

"What happened?" Killer asked.

"Well it turns out that lust isn't pregnant with my child, I thought I could trust him not to cheat," Horror growled. Tears began to fall. He looked at the other two. 

"Where is he now?" Dust asked.

"Probably dying on our bathroom floor," Horror said cold. Dust turned pale and Horror noticed.

"He said that Dust raped him but you wouldn't do that," Horror said trying to notice any difference in dust's behavior. A sudden rush of negativity came into the room making Dust sweat he knew he couldn't lie without being caught.

"Right?" Horror asked. He didn't like Dust's silence. Nightmare walked over to them.

"He is filled with regret and guilt no matter what you're talking about he did it," Nightmare said and just went on with his day. Horror summoned his Axe and threw it to cut a very small part of Dust's soul. It kept him pinned to the wall as Horror ran home. He looked at lust and saw him about to dust. Horror picked him up and took him to Hospitaltale. He ran in and lust was immediately taken to a room. Horror left. He had a small business to take care of with his friend. Lust woke at the hospital the sound of a soul monitors beeping was heard. He looked around and saw a doctor walk in. He noticed that lust was awake.

"You had us worried," He said and checked something of on his bord. 

"What happened?" Lust asked but then remembered himself.

"We don't know the only thing we know is that another skeleton with a hole in his skull brought you here and then ran off," He said. Lust nodded and then looked down. He began to cry softly there was no way his child would survive. The Doctor looked at him sadly.

"You held a souling when we got you and there is a fifty percent chance of it surviving and if it does then it's going to be strong well the body and magic supply will be not the soul itself," He said. Lust lifted the covers and saw the souling back in his stomach. Happy tears fell from his eyes he prayed silently that it would survive. 

"Seems like you have a visitor," That was the last thing that the doctor said before leaving. Lust looked Horror dead in the eye he was scared of what Horror might do. Horror walked closer. Lust curled up. Horror hugged him and stroked Lust skull.

"Dust confessed what he did and why, I'm sorry for not believing you," Horror said. He held his husband in his arms. Lust curled into horrors chest.

"I-I want t-t-to know why," Lust said. Horror sighed and nuzzled his mate.

"Apparently he had loved you for years but simply didn't have the balls to talk with you so when we got married he couldn't take it and well he apparently thought that you carrying his child would stop a nagging feeling he has," Horror said as he held his mate. The two sat there for a small period of time. A nurse came in with a food tray She smiled at the two and sat the tray in front of Lust. 

Time skip

Lust has just given birth to their boy Horror kissed his skull and then their sons. They had requested a DNA test and well it was being tested now. The doctor came out with a smile.

"you are the father,"

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