A piece of lust's mind

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Lust sat in another meeting listening to The rambles of Ink. He wore a sweater that was oversized to hide his body as he didn't want any god-dame comments. Ink was rambling on as Lust went through his files. He had the exact date and time AUs were created and destroyed on his phone sorted both in the time it was created and destroyed with the newest incident at the top.

"I'm out of Any Idea so anything can be used," Ink finally said. Lust perked up. Ink noticed.

"Lust do you have an Idea?" Ink asked. Everyone turned to him.

"I don't have an idea, but I have some information you might want," Lust said and got up. He plugged his Phone into the projector as he heard some of the sanses make backhanded comments to one another. He showed them the information he had.

"This is the name of AUs their creation time and date and destruction time and date. The Au's on the left is sorted by creation date the newest at the top the ones to the left is sorted by destruction date," Lust said making people look at him amazed that he managed to do that. It was hard to find out what Au had been destroyed sometimes.

"As you can see most AU's that were destroyed are young and new most only manage to get an hour old," Lust said. He then scrolled down.

"When a lot of AU's are being created in one go will The destroyer target Original with little influence in the council but a large number of Copies. If another Original is made then he will destroy Three," Lust said.

"This is impressive found anything else?" Ink asked.

"I found something I found interesting. When you were absent for a week not creating a single thing then he stopped after destroying fifty AU's. Another time where you were absent did he stop after five. I found the amount of AU's in the multiverse he stopped at was 1579235," Lust told them.

"There are that many?" Classic asked.

"And only 71 of them are originals," Lust said.

"Ink what the hell? 10 copies are where the limit should be," Sci was the one that spoke up. Ink shrugged.

"I'm addicted to creating,"

"Don't you think The Multiverse will run out of space?" Classic asked.

"I don't believe that is possible," Ink said.

"Well, Ink Error is screaming at us that The multiverse will run out of space if you keep up so I think he is right. The data we just got confirmation that he is right," Dream said. Ink was getting irritated.

"Who says we can trust that information?" Ink asked.

"Ink what are you implying?" Lust asked taking it personally.

"That you are a whore who probably is doing this so you can suck off the Destroyer," Fell said. Lust was so pissed.

"Well I'm sorry that sad lonely and soulless excuse of a creator created me," Lust said.

"He is not to blame for your Slutish Behavior," Mafia said other councilmembers agreed.

"So the person who created me and my AU is not to blame for the pheromones in the air that creates a never-ending heat or for the increased sex drive for everyone in my AU? So Ink isn't responsible for the poorly distribution of Food in horror tale that causes everyone to be cannibals so they wouldn't starve to death. Or For Creating Fell's brother to be an Abusive Piece of shit or for Creating for Dream to be a blind fucking Idiot that couldn't see that His entire AU was abusing and trying to kill his brother?" Lust said making everyone go quiet.

"If anyone here is a slut then it's the one who created me and has sex with one of my copies daily," Lust said Glaring at Ink. The silence was spreading between the council. Lust looked down at everyone before taking his phone. He opened a portal.

"Where are you going?" dream asked.

"Home I don't want to be a part of the crapshow that will follow as soon as someone speaks up about the shit I told everyone," Lust said and almost left.

"How did you know?" Dream asked. Lust turned to him.

"Everyone pays their prostitute in both Money and secrets. If we are talking BDSM then the prostitute will be your only comfort in horrible times and whoever is bottom will feel comfort in the top, if the top knows what they do that and my copies report everything to me," Lust said before leaving. He went to his room being meet with his room. This would probably give him some backlash but they got a piece of his mind at least.

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