Bill sans x Error part two

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No one P.o.v

Three months had passed since Bill freed Nightmare and his gang. Bill smiled and held Error who purred against him loving the affection he got from his mate. Bill had taken care of the glitch that could now see. The two loved each other. Error who desperately needed to be loved and Bill who was desperate to love someone. they sat silently listening to a music box Bill had. Bill held his grin knowing what he did to achieve this. He had separated the different feelings in the apple and gathered those for love. He then feeds Error the feeling hidden in his meals. Feeding it over the last three months. getting more of Error's love for each day that went by. Bill didn't do this to get Error for himself nor because it would be easier to do this than just turn yandere but because he knew that the only person capable of loving him was Error. That and to protect him. Protect Error The destroyer of worlds who have gotten Stockholm syndrome from The creator. Bill couldn't bear the thought of Error loving the guy who made his life a living hell. So Bill also made sure that anyone that didn't do anything to stop it got to pay a debt greater than the one they made themselves. Ink got killed in Lustfell after hours upon hours of torture. Dream wasn't aware of how much he needed that apple to stay healthy so he fell ill and is now laying in a coma that he will never wake from. Blue gave birth to the baby bone two and a half months after getting the souling but since he himself had nothing to do with the child was it a miscarriage which leads him to the wonderful escape of alcohol. This also caused his brother stretch to suffer as he tried to get his life together and care for his brother while trying to blame Bill but he knew that it was all on him since he watched as the destroyer got raped and even joined in. Bill smiled and gently shifted Error so his head laid against his shoulder as the looked at the skies of outertale. Both enjoyed their time Bill took out a small piece of chocolate feeding the other but also teasing him a bit by holding it just out of Error's reach. Error whined a bit and then got the chocolate. Bill smirked as he remembers watching everything go downhill for the creator his righthanded mand and his brainwashed pup and the caretaker. Of course, Ink and his 'friends' wasn't the only one that got punished. Egde and his brother. since they always were the first in line to torture the poor skeleton was blues punishment designed to also target them. Egde loved Blue to death and back so once he fell into his alcoholism and depressed state did the Depression spread onto Egde too. Egde became a useless bundle who grew more and more unstable as the days progressed. He would kill random monsters one day and be completely vulnerable the next. Edge's brother fell had a hard time fighting for his brothers life as people in the underground wanted him dead for being 'insane'. Fell wasn't having it and fought every second until the had to move to another AU. Now that both the original underfell and underswap were completely depressed and broken did Swapfell get the same undoing felling they were created after the two and since Ink made the huge flaw of letting them be connected was three original Au's and all their Copies suffering. Mafiatale also fell under. All their bullets came from the creator but now that he was gone was their bullets too. So they lost their lives in endless resets. After all, they gave ink Tips on how to break Error down mentally. Bill knew that almost every monster in the multiverse held some kind of blame on what happened so after Dream went into the coma was positive emotions harder to come by. Before had Dream made everyone more sensitive to positivity well everyone but the 'bad' guys. Now that Dream slept was the positive emotions as hard to gain as they were supposed too and everyone noticed how Ink and Dream had manipulated everyone. How they had used everyone. How they had controlled everyone. They got blinded by the positive emotions Dream forced upon them. Bill looked down and noticed that his little mate was sleeping soundly on his chest. Bill held this soft smile and peaked the other's cheek before picking him up and going home. Bill's smile was replaced with a sinister smirk as he knew what he had done. He was master of two things. finding the truth and cause and effect. 

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