Classic x Nightmare

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 You guys just love Classic. A person requested this to be smut so I tried. So if you're not a horny teen or 18+ then don't say I didn't warn you,

Classic sat on his and nightmares bed. He was hugging his mate Nightmare like a koala baby clinging to their mother. Classic his face in Nightmare's shoulder. Nightmares tentacles massaged his back and sides. Classic was shivering ever so often and covered by a blanket that also went around Nightmare. Nightmare didn't pay that much attention to Classic. He had both arms out and tried to find out how to turn off notifications for a single Discord group without turning it off for all groups. The bussing was getting on Nightmare's nerves. Nightmare gave up on turning the notifications of and placed a hand on his mates head gently rubbing it. He noticed that the blanket wasn't covering Classic's whole body so he adjusted it and now no one could see his mate. Nightmare turned his attention to the door as someone entered the bussing sound got louder. Blue walked in.

"Have you seen Classic anywhere?" He asked. Nightmare showed Blue the top of classic's head.

"He is right here but he is not feeling well. I think he's sick," Nightmare said caressing Classic's head. Blue looked at the moving blanket concerned.

"Do you have anything that can help him?" Blue asked. Nightmare thought for a while the bussing got a little louder and Nightmare could feel classic shake.

"In my bathroom over the sink, there is a cabin you should find some pills most to the left that could help him," Nightmare said and Blue went there to get them. Nightmare moved one of his hands down to where Classic was and caressed his side and thigs. he felt some of his tentacles that massaged Classics leg. He looked at the blush on his mate's face and noticed that one of his tentacles were at an uncomfortable place. Blue came back with a glass of water and the pills. Nightmare helped Classic take the pills and smiled as his mates shaking increased and he bit the fabric of nightmares shirt.

"Thank you blue. Can I get you to make a soup for Classic?" Nightmare asked. Blue nodded.

"I'll be back in an hour," He said and left. Nightmare used a tentacle to lock the door behind blue. He then took out a small controller where the current setting was three and turned it on max. He could feel Classic try to trash around but to no avail not only did Nightmare's tentacles hold Classic in place but so did a pair of cuffs forcing Classics left hand to meet his right foot and right hand to meet the left foot. He was getting loud. Nightmare purred as the tentacle that had rested in Classic for a while now began to trust. Nightmare's manhood also rested in Classic but together with a few vibrators in Classic's womanhood. Both were bing please but it was too much for classic. He was getting loud so Nightmare shut him by using a tentacle. He then realized something.

"Blue gave us the wrong pills. Those that I told him to get would not have any effect but he gave you pills from underlust," Nightmare said. Classic barely heard him being too busy seeing stars.

"Remember this was your idea I'm also not turning of these vibrators until I've finished," Nightmare spoke before kissing his mate and began to work on his phone again. Classic arched his back as he came for the fifth time already but Nightmare was not even feeling his peak. This would be a long ride for classic.

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