Blue got enough

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Blue looked at the countcil. He was done they had finally done it. Usually, he sat in the room while they discussed how to get rid of the bad guys. Now they tried to send him out and he had gotten enough. He has been bottling up his emotions for far too long. This had been the last drop. He summoned his mallet and slammed it against the floor. The shell of the AU broke on impact revealing the void underneath. The amount of anger and hatred he felt was overwhelming. People stared at him shocked that he could do that."Bro, calm down-" Strech was cut off by blue."Don't call me your brother when you treat me like a fucking object," Blue hissed his voice was quiet but his hatred and intentions were clear. "What?" He asked."I'm sick of being treated like a fucking kid when I'm one of the oldest in here. This is the tipping point you have two options stop treating me like a fucking kid or you'll have to fight against me," He had said loud and clear. "Blue what has gotten into you?" Ink asked calmly. Blue was just as calm but he was pissed. "Ink, imagine this, people treating you like you were a danger to yourself like you couldn't take care of yourself and tried to restrict you in every possible way making it impossible for you to do what you wanted to do. That is how I fucking feel and I won't stand for it any longer," Blue said. He held his mallet in both hands. "I get what you mean but we didn't know that you felt this way," Dream said."Cut the crap Dream you are the guardian of feelings you could feel my emotions at any given time but didn't bother to do something about it. You care just as little about me as you did about your bother before the apple incident. I've told all of you multiple times that I was sick of the way you are treating me but who cared not the council," Blue snapped. Dream had tears rolling down his cheeks. "Blue you are being too much and you made your point already," dance tried to say."Did I really. It fucking sucks that you have to make people cry to be heard. I wonder if Error destroys as a desperate call for help or if nightmare does so. Well, none of you ever do anything until it's too late," Blue said. He opened a portal and left them. He sat in dusttale. It was abandoned and no one ever came not even dust. He walked along listening to the silence as he brought out a cigarette. He inhaled deeply and thought of what had actually made him have enough courage to do what he did. Nightmare had given him an offer to join his team. He had said that he would give the council one chance to correct their mistake. If they went looking for him he would forgive them because that meant that they cared but if they didn't then they would not bother for about a week and he would join Nightmare. He would be staying there just to prove his point. He waited and opened small portals to see the AU's but he found none of them looking he even heard them saying it was just a childish tantrum. Only the neutral was looking for him and he had gotten enough. he went to nightmare's mansion and told him that he would join them. A week later he joined Nightmare and his gang in battle. Ink, Dream, and a few people from the council stared at him. "NIGHTMARE WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO BLUE," Ink yelled. "They did nothing. I already told you. You have two options stop treating me like a fucking kid or you'll have to fight against me. when I left none of you bothered to look for me. I heard you talk about me throwing a childish tantrum but must I remind you. I'm five years older than stretch and the second Original undertale copy to ever exist?" Blue asked. People looked at him as he summoned his mallet. "Knock yourself out Blue this is between you and them," Nightmare said and looked at the council who was shocked. Blue looked at them his face cold and his stance told them he was ready to fight."Brother what did they do to you?" Stretch asked. Blue looked at him and cracked his neck by twisting his head."They did nothing. You did," Blue said looking at them. He jumped at his brother and slammed his mallet down before anyone could register what had happened. His brother was slammed into the ground many of his bones broke in the process."Blue what the hell?" Ink yelled."You know if you had let us out of Our AU before the resets started to make my little brother insane then none of this would have happened," Blue said going for Ink but Ink managed to dodge making the place he stood on before broke into nothing but codes."you don't know what he did not only to me but to everyone else. Unlike him, I pretended that I didn't know but, to be honest, I remember everything he did you did everyone who visited our AU did. To put it lightly you all are sick in the head," Blue told them. He used his mallet and attack but stopped mid-air making a sudden change in pressure that made it not only hard to breathe but also knocked them out. Blue turned away from them and walked to Nightmare and his gang. "I'm staying with the people who treat me right. The people who do not think that just because they won't be able to remember will it be okay to Torture that person," Blue said and left with nightmare and his gang.

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