Blue's secret

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Original Blue P.o.v

Ink had called another 'emergency' meeting.

"I'm Sick of Error's destruction Everyone we need something I don't care how brutal that it is as long as it stops him," Ink said People were shocked Ink had been refusing to hurt Error seriously but now he was begging. I wasn't My pets patterned have been absolutely impossible since those backstabbing Au copies had to be punished and it costed their lives and AU's too bad. We warned them not to mess with us. My copies and I have been making big progress to our plan of controlling the chaos in this multiverse. It's creating so much delicious drama. 

"How about we lure him with muffins with sleeping pills?" I asked cheerfully. Sure I don't want to lose my pet but I can just tell him to not do or make 'Nightmare' and his fuckers go get him. I still have to get a medal for C-27 for the fake nightmare idea. After all, no one other than us knows about it. 

"Then it's settled we will try to shoot him with stronger sleep medicine and if that doesn't work then we'll fight him," Ink yelled. I nodded in agreement and walked up to my dear 'brother'.

"I'm going to visit a few copies It's a Sleep OVER!" I yelled

"The fuck you're actually having a relationship with your copies?" Fell asked. I nodded. Strech just nodded and I left to 1-A's house before going to the anti void. Error's strings were a great cover for our base. I made a blaster and got up. I entered and greeted a few copies. 

"Hi q-47,3 Have g-63 made the report yet? Hi U-85 New bandana?" Both greeted me I got a report and a yes from U-85. I got a cup of sugar milk tea and read the report. I skipped to Error's states. He got all his wounds healed. He's also more mentally stressed than usual. Well, I've had to cut his attention a little. Not his fault tho. There just wasn't anyone this week that deserved to be promoted. Error is a treat to us. We need to get attached and Error getting stressed isn't good eighter. We need him to get rid of threats and keep us hidden in the anti void. I sipped my tea. Delicious. Error's soul needs a quick heal too. I reached the hospital area. 

"Error need a soul check and has anyone seen C-27?" I asked. M-4 Walked up to me

"We're working on it and C-27 is checking all the info sheets that we have on the originals together with A-1. oh and 0 You need to get Error more sugar his body needs the extra calories," M-4 said

"Thank M-4 Just tell it to M-3 and get them to see the results plus you guys don't need my permission unless it will hurt Error," I said. He nodded and went on with his day. I walked to our archives. I quickly spotted C-27. 

"Hi" I greeted. I got the same response.

"Anything new 0?" A-1 asked.

"Not other than C-27 get a promotion," 

"Wait what?" 

"Yes now you will be one of the caretakers of Error," I said He cheered. We needed to get attached to people outside of our Au's. People that aren't us and is important to us. Most choose Copies of a random Au but it just doesn't last. Error and the real nightmare Does together with the original sans and well anyone from his Au really but copies aren't allowed near the Au because of well they're copies. 

"0 I think we need a few more pets," A-1 said. I nodded

"Yes and I've gotten the z-1 to 10 on the job so far have they only found asylum tale sans," I informed him. He nodded. We were the two people in command. C-27 got his upgrade as a mark on his bandana.

"What about the nanobot's for our fake nightmare?" I asked. The goo was in reality nanobots or that is what the are now. 

"Still need improvements but the Sci's are working on it without questions surprisingly," I was surprised. We recut other Au copies. They would get better living conditions but would be told much as we can rarely trust them. I nodded in approval. I then walked to a monitor and upgraded. C-27 in the system. We Checked on Error. seems like a few Blue's are Cuddling and feeding him some sweet's. I could hear them praising him of how good he is through the monitor. I checked on Nightmare who wee kept in his original form. He was curled up in one of the taller blue's he hid his face in the other blue's shirt while He was also getting praising. Two Blue's was in his room we would let him get Three but that is too much for him. He is way saner that error but he is also more fragile. We're working on that. He has three rooms directly connected with each other. He couldn't leave this place but he no longer wants to do that eighter. He knows that we're gonna protect hi and the gang. He can lock the door to one of the rooms and read the books there if he wants to be alone. He rarely locks the door now but will ask if we'll leave. Error only had one room as he could leave his room in up to three times a day if he wants but can't stay out longer than half an hour and never does. A stopwatch breaks me free of my thought process. A-1 turned it of,

"My shift is over now it's your turn to get yelled down every minute," He laughs. I laugh with him. I leave the archive and let my stopwatch start giving everyone a direct GPS signal to me. Z-4 runs to me.

"We got B-63 and B-64 to prepare a room for Assy and we found two more that might work," I nodded and he went on. I saw Q-100 walk to me.

"0 We got it we've finally found the easiest way to manipulate every monster in every original au. We can finally make our dream to a reality a place with no violence or hate. We have hurt so many in this process and we no longer need to do that," He chipped happily. I nodded and got the files for the sanses. I then walked to our basement. Every citizen from my Au stood there with the chip in their nerve system is being checked so it won't fail late. They would manipulate anternal versions of themself. 

"This isn't personal but we need this to achieve total peace, and don't worry if any of you die no copy will,"

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