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Fell P.o.v

I walked around in Waterfall when I saw something I wish I could unsee. Undyne killed my brother. This was the first timeline where that ever happened.

"weak," She hissed as he dusted. I chared my blasters. She stared at me but I didn't give a crap as we started the fight. 

"This won't be hard I only need to hit you once," She said smirking. She made her attack and I dodge. I chared five Gaster blasters and made a shit tone of bones. She didn't survive. I left the battle and found a few monsters stare I ignored them and took Papyruses scarf before leaving. I went straight home. the following day was shit people would start by morking me but I would kill them without a care heck asgore came and tried to force me to stop let's just say we no longer have a king. Everyone feared me. My checkbox had begun to glitch and I didn't know what to feel about it. it cleared out and showed lv 23 once. I should be scared but I only felt numb. Now I walked around thinking but then a strong smell hit my none existing nose. It saw the sent of blood and it was stronger than anything I've ever smelled. I followed the smell and saw bone fragments and blood scattered but these were Black. I looked up and I regret doing it. The destroyer of worlds laid there looking like something that should be dead. Only the lower part and the start of one of his eyes was left from his skull his bones were cracked and separated his rips were scattered around him I don't even want to describe the rest. That is how messed up that is. and the worst part is that he's still alive you know what it isn't. The worst part is that an ecto body is forming and there is a souling in there. I walked over to him. He breathed rapidly. It must hurt like hell. The bones began to assemble themselves and go back to where they had to be. The destroyer screamed in pain. I got a hold of the Au alarm everyone had one if he tried to destroy your AU. I was ready to press the button but I didn't. Every time Ink is about to win will he be left like that I'm sure of it. I took my phone and snapped a picture before he had the chance to recover too much and then I waited I waited for him to finish. He did and I picked him up he was unconscious. I took him home and laid him in papyruses bed. 

Error P.o.v

I groaned. My body arched. I tried to move but my body refused I knew it needed rest but I didn't know where I was and for all, I know I could be in underlust. I mean I woke in a bed and I honestly was in too much pain to know if I got raped. The door opened and Fell came in. At least it isn't an Underlust. Fell looked at me.

"So what happened?" He asked

"HeArD A-AboUT i-i-i-Ink?" I asked. He didn't look surprised. I tried to sit. My body wasn't happy at all but I sucked it up. I sat and my bones creaked some snaped.

"You really shouldn't be moving,"

"WHY noT?" 

"Your hurt and pregnant," My eyes snapped towards my stomach and I saw a little souling. Nonononononononono No! I can't be pregnant. I hyperventilated. What do I do how am I supposed to get rid of AUs with this? I felt a sting in my cheek.

"NOW YOU LISTEN TO ME YOU ARE GOING TO KILL THE SOULING IF YOU DON'T CALM THE FUCK DOWN!" Fell yelled. I took deep breaths and laid back down. 

"WhY D-D-didN't yoU kiLl ME?" I asked

"One no one deserves to be that beat up and two I have been wondering why you destroyed for the last many months. Three you're pregnant no one in their right mind would hurt a mother," Fell said

"So why do you destroy," (I'm lazy so Errors speaking will be in bold underline)

"I didn't have a choice. See the multiverse like a box every AU is a ball in there too many balls and they won't fit now left say that if the balls are pressed too much together they will self destruct and that take all the surrounding balls with them, I destroy so that won't happen," I explained. I doubt that he believes in me but I felt arms go around me in a hug I would normally freak out but I was too tired to even try. He left and came back with a medkit. He wrapped me up.

"I'm going to find Ink and Kill him," Fell hissed.

"since when did you begin to care?"

"I don't but I'm looking for a reason to kill him anyway. see ya,"  


No one P.o.v

Fell had taken care of Error for a few weeks now. He pretends to do it because Error is a mother but he enjoyed having someone around. The other monsters in the Au Think that Error is Fell's mate and that he is carrying Fells Child so they don't even think about hurting him. Error grew weaker by the day but they both know that it was just the child taking his energy. Fell was currently helping Error with making dinner and by helping do I mean make the food eatable since the glitch had no Idea what food was before he turned to live with Fell. 

"Don't put Glue in the food and why do we even have glue in here?" Fell questioned.

"Don't forget that you can't eat metal," 

"Did blue teach you to cook since you only use none eatable food?" Fell sighed and walked over to Error. So now instead of just staring he actually helped.

"Hey, Error?" Fell asked as they were about to eat.


"Thanks for bearing over with me and I love ya," 

"Fell I-I love you two,"

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