Pj x Fresh

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No one P.o.v

Fresh was pacing back and forth. He was nervous and terrified. He had gotten PJ pregnant and PJ's parents didn't even know that they were married. Pj just sat on the couch and ate some ice cream while trying to get his husband's attention. He sighed got up and gently grabbed his now crying mate.

"Fresh Calm down I'm gonna get this sorted with my parents. If they don't like you so what I love you, okay sweety?" PJ tried to comfort his mate but he knew that Fresh had depression and still had a cutting problem. Fresh cried a lot scared. Pj sighed and carried his mate to their room. He turned on the TV in there teleported Fresh favorite icecream and snacks up there and wrapped his mate in blankets. Fresh had somewhat calmed down. Pj hugged him and kissed him.

"Fresh sweety. I'm going to get this sorted out. I want you to stay at our house and remember my parents don't know where we live. Also, I'll be locking you in here since I don't want you to find any sharp objects. Okay, sweety?" Pj said. Fresh nodded with tears in his eyes. Pj walked out locked the door and sighed. He loved fresh but fresh was just broken. He knew that Error would accept Fresh instantly but Ink wouldn't. Ohh boy ink wouldn't be happy.


Pj sat at his parent's house. they haven't seen each other in about a year and Ink was head over heels. He had made a lot of food but Pj told that it wasn't needed. Pj had gotten his parents to sit down.

"Mom dad I have a confession to make," He said. Pj was getting nervus

"What is it dear?" Ink asked. Pj took a deep breath.

"I'm three weeks pregnant with my husband," Ink blew up over how Pj could get married without them being there and how he dares have a boyfriend without having contact with his parents. Error stopped ink mid-speech.

"Congrats Pj who is the lucky guy?" Error said. Now Ink blew up at Error. Error stopped ink.

"Have you considered that the reason he cut us off and didn't invite us was that he knew that you would blow up?" Error asked Ink. Ink went quiet

"Thanks, dad but please prepare to hold mom back," Pj warned. Ink looked confused but Error prepared.

"Before you say anything. I married the guy I loved no matter how much you hate him," Pj took a deep breath.

"I married Fresh," Ink looked more shocked than angry. Ink looked PJ dead in the eyes and sighed.

"at least you didn't make the mistake of marrying a mass murderer to more than thousands," Ink said. Error was offended. He had killed millions

"So your cool with this?" PJ asked

"No, but I don't want to be cut out of my grandchild's life," Ink sighed.

"At least accept him since he has depression and is worried about your reaction," PJ half begged.

"wait he's depressed?" Error looked shocked

"Yeah, people hate him. He used to kill people and steal their souls so he could live. He no longer does that as I created a soul that can't feel pain and can't die as long as fresh lives as it takes his magic to survive and give him what he needs to survive," Pj explained. Ink was surprised.

"I never knew," He whispered. PJ nodded.

"I should head home before he gets worried oh and I'll text my address once I'm home," Pj said and left with a few chocolate bars from Error. He ran to their room and went to check on his mate. He found the door unlocked. PJ Panicked knowing that fresh might be self-harming. He ran to the kitchen. No Fresh only a mess ofter some kind of baking. The living room. No luck. The bathroom. Nope. He ran to their room and actually opened the door this time. Fresh was laying on their bed with soda. The only thing that Pj had forgotten to give Fresh. Pj sighed.

"So Dad accepted you instantly. mom doesn't like you but will have to deal with it," Pj sighed and sat on the bed. Fresh smiled and began to feed Pj a freshly baked cookie. Pj happily munched on it.

"Sorry for scaring you but I wanted to surprise you with cookies and I can't teleport because of the seal on our house," Fresh said as he feeds Pj another cookie. Pj nods happily and texts the address to his parents. Things were quiet and nice now.

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