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 Seriously? One more? this is the fourth in a row

Classic sighed as he looked at his longtime friend. Fell had more bruises than last time. Classic looked the other deep in his eyes as Fell went to excuse himself. He had to go home or else his boss would hurt him again. Classic quickly caught on to what Fell tried to do. He reached under one of the pillows on the couch and quickly and quietly took a pair of magic restraints. In a swift and quick movement had he tightly secured them to Fell's wrists.

"Wha-" Fell was taken aback.

"You are not going back to that abusive brother of yours," Fell told him sternly while taking the keys to the restraints. He held the magic restraints in a firm grip. He dragged Fell along to the bathroom and got a first-aid kit out. Fell looked down in shame as Classic treated his arms and legs. He felt like a bigger burden than necessary, but honestly, that was just his depression speaking.

"strip of everything but boxers," Classic said as he was done with the visible parts of his body. Fell just stared at him. He didn't want to be almost naked in front of another person especially not Classic. Classic sighed.

"Please I don't want to force the clothing off you but if you won't take it off yourself I will," Classic spoke his voice quiet and gentle but also reassuring. Fell shed his shirt and nothing more. Classic didn't mind and started to treat some serious wounds that fell had hidden. Classic finished and decided that it would be good enough for now. He helped fell dress himself as the bandages immobilized him. Fell didn't know what to feel at the moment he just knew he wouldn't be fine for long. They could hear egde downstairs yelling for his brother. Classic didn't want to do what he was about to but knew it had to be done. He quickly gagged fell and immobilized him further. Fell was in a state of panic but this was necessary. Classic came down and looked fell in the eyes. He wasn't happy and made a fake emotionless expression.

"You know you're not even allowed in my AU," he said without showing any emotions. Egde was taken aback but didn't care too much.

"Have you seen my good for nothing brother?" Edge asked he didn't even hide his anger.

"Watched him commit suicide in outertale teen minutes ago," Classic lied. This was to test Egde if he cared for his brother. Egde was completely still for a moment but instead of tensing did his entire demeanor relax. Classic swore he saw happiness in Edge's face.

"I'm finally free of that little shit," Egde triumphed and left. Classic looked into the bathroom where fell still was tied and gagged but now crying. Classic had a few tears falling from his own eyes. He walked towards the crying skeleton. He cradled the smaller in his arms and removed the gag. Fell just burst out crying. Classic freed him of everything but the magic restraints. He knew the other needed comfort and lots of it. Fell eventually cried himself to sleep in classics arms. Classic sighed and kissed the smaller in his arms before picking him up and moving him to Classic's bed. Classic looked at his small crush and wished he had done this sooner. He would keep fell in the restraints until next week then let him go. He sighed and texted a few friends that his plan was in action.


Fell had been living with Classic ever since. Classic had done his best to help fell who was now an emotionless shell. He didn't wear the restraints anymore so he could leave whenever he wanted to but he didn't. Classic had tried to help his crush ever since. He cried when Fell wasn't around and spoke to no one about his problem. one day he decided to break why he did as he did to fell. Both sat on the couch.

"Fell I know that what I did was wrong. I tore you from your brother and AU and forced you to hear how he reached to your death. I did it to protect you," Classic spoke. Fell didn't move but decided to answer.

"Why do you want to protect me?" Fell asked. Classic took a deep breath.

"The truth is that I love you fell. I love you and want to protect you from any harm," Classic softly spoke and then looked at Fell. Fell was crying and just hugged Classic the burst out crying.

"Fell let me be your mate and protect you," Classic softly spoke and fell nodded. He had loved Classic equally.


A few years had passed and Fell was pregnant. It was expected to be twins. Both were sitting in Outertale happily enjoying a picnic with outer sci blue and lust. Everyone was happily chatting and eating. Everything was going well. That was until Classic spotted Egde staring at them from afar especially Fell who didn't wear his old collar but a chocker that signaled to everyone that he had a mate that owned him. Fell who was clearly pregnant at eight months. Classic excused himself and walked to the forest while making Edge's soul blue and flung him into the nearest tree. Egde growled and swore under his breath and had summoned bones to defend himself. Classic approached him. His face was emotionless.

"Edge. That day where I told you Fell was dead was he in another room at my house listening. I wanted to show him just how big of an asshole you were and how little you cared so I tricked you and kept him from you so you couldn't hurt him anymore," Classic confessed standing out of Edge's reach.

"I've figured my question is why do you care about that piece of shit," Egde hissed. Classic tightened a grip.

"Because only an abusive lowlife like you would sink so deep that he would make the life miserable for the one that sacrificed himself for your life," Classic said he then took out a key from his inventory and threw it at Egde. It landed in his eye causing him to swear again.

"Behind your house will you find a door where this key fit and you'll find your father's journals but also your brothers," Classic said and opened a portal he then threw Egde in. He closed the portal and returned to his mate and friends. 

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