Fell!Sci x Reader

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No one P.o.v 

Growing up you were always this aggressive girl but that was because you were shy in a world that didn't allow it. You were feared due to your cover-up aggressiveness. Feared and alone. You hated how people would flee. Well, that was until you meet sans. The two of you got along and he managed to see that shy and kind person you really were. You trusted him and that was your biggest mistake. He kidnapped you and had you looked in his basement for years until he managed to get the lab. Then you was his test subject. 

"(y/n), time to wake up," he gently whispered in your ear as you woke. You had gotten used to this so used to it that you on longer complained when he would tie your wrists and ankles to the bed. He untied you and picked you up. An experiment had permanently paralyzed your legs or rather he knew how to make them work again but sure as hell wouldn't want that happening. He caressed your back as he carried you, bridal style to the kitchen and placed you in front of the only meal you would get this week. You didn't even look at it since you already knew what it was. A slice of breed that was mixed with water. You were going to take the spoon to eat but Sans took your hands and cuffed them to the chair. He took the spoon and feed you and to your surprise wasn't it the usual. It tasted better. It tasted sweet and mild and had this soft texture. You looked at the plate in front of you. It had yogurt and oatmeal on it instead of the usual.

Your P.o.v

 I looked at sans confused as he feeds me another spoon. He chuckled at my expression.

"aren't you just the cutest?" He asked and caressed my cheek with his free hand. I didn't respond. He continued feeding me until the bowl was empty. I looked at him kinda expecting him to pick me up again and take me to a test room or do something painful to me, but he didn't he just stared and gently caressed my checks. I unintentionally lean into his touch and he kissed my forehead. This was new.

"San-" I tried to say his name but then his grip went straight to my neck slowly and painfully choking me.

"(y/n) Don't ever call me sans again call me Sci," He said with a strict voice. I tried to nod to show that I understood but his grip didn't allow it. He never acted this violent if it was a rule I've never heard before. Small tears fell from my eyes as dots began to appear on my vision. He let go and I took a deep breath but still managed to pass out. I woke in a completely different room. I laid on an actual bed not just the frame with a bedsheet instead of a mattress. I felt a pillow under my head and a fluffy blanket over me. I tried to sit up but realized I couldn't feel my arms. I looked at them they looked fine except two small bandaids one for each arm. I heard the door open and saw Sci holding a tray. He smiled at me and placed the tray at the nightstand. He helped me sit up and noticed my fear. It made him frown.

"what's wrong (y/n)? I haven't done anything to hurt you today," He said gently as he caressed my cheeks. I noticed hints of anger behind his gentle facade.

"W-what d-d-did you d-do to m-me?" I asked. He then smirked and went to peal of the bandaids. My eyes widen as I noticed a small mark that could only be left after a syringe

"I made it so your arms won't work but don't worry I'll never use you as a test subject again as I've found a replacement. Instead of hurting you will I now care for you and if you behave I might get both your arms and legs functioning again," He said as he gently caressed me. Tears welled up in my eyes as I wished that I could just die. I knew he would go back to torturing me sone after all that is the reason my legs won't work

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