Chapter 5: Truth?... Or Dare?

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Valerie’s POV:

            “Val, why aren’t you talking?” Liam asked. I sighed.

            “Don’t worry guys,” I said, my voice still hoarse, “It’s not that I can’t or won’t talk, it just hurts too much right now.” I winced. Just saying that made my throat feel like it was on fire. The boys nodded and Harry got up and sat on my other side.

            “It really hurts so much that you don’t want to talk at all?” he asked. I nodded, “Well then, I guess you’ll be on vocal rest for a while. At least, until you aren’t in pain when you talk.” I nodded.

            “Next time we stop, we’ll get you a dry erase board to use,” Liam suggested, “It’s better than a pad of paper and pen.” The boys agreed. Louis wrapped his arm around me.

            “What would you like to do love?” he asked me quietly. I thought for a moment. Louis handed me the paper and pen and I wrote on it.

            How about you boys play Truth or Dare? It’s entertaining to watch.

            He read this and looked up at me.

            “You sure you don’t want to do anything with us?” he asked. I nodded and took the pen and paper from him.

            I’m still tired. I’ll watch you guys play though.

            “Well,” he said after he read this, “If you’re sure… BOYS! TRUTH OR DARE TIME!!!” Louis yelled, even though the boys were a few feet away from him. Niall jumped and nearly fell to the floor.

            “Lou, we’re right here,” Harry said, rubbing his forehead, “No need to shout.”

            “Okay,” Louis pouted, “But still, Truth or Dare time!” The boys chuckled and sat down on the ground, in front of the couch, in a circle. I sat on the couch and Louis sat in front of me.

            “Okay,” Harry said, “Rock, Paper, Scissors to see who goes first.” It took about five minutes to finish with the Rock, Paper, Scissor battles. It was ridiculous how many times Harry and Louis picked the exact same thing. Finally, Zayn won and got to go first.

            “Alright,” Zayn said, “Liam, truth or dare?”


            “Alright, try to touch your tongue to your nose, and if you can’t do that in thirty seconds, you have to lick… Niall’s nose.”

            Liam tried to touch his nose with his tongue, failing miserably. His face was priceless as he tried.

            “And… time’s up!” Zayn said, “Lick Niall’s nose.” Liam hesitantly got closer to Niall and I took out my phone. As soon as Liam licked Niall’s nose, I took a picture and tweeted it.

@Val_Styles: Good game of Truth or Dare we got going here! @Real_Liam_Payne @NiallOfficial Having a good time there?

            Liam and Niall’s phones went off as they got a notification. Liam glared at me as he saw the picture.

            “Really Val?” I smiled sweetly and nodded. Liam sighed and chose the next person to go.

            “Okay, Louis, truth or dare?”


“I dare you to put lipstick on Harry.”

            “Oh, well that’s easy,” Louis said, getting up to get some lipstick.

            “Oh, I’m not finished yet,” Liam said, “Put lipstick on Harry, without using your hands.”

            “How am I supposed to do-” Louis started, and then he got it, “Oh.” He walked out of the room and came back in with some of my lipstick, “Mind if I use this Valerie?” I motioned for him to go ahead and he sat in front of Harry and put the end of the tube of lipstick in his mouth. Harry closed his eyes as Louis applied the lipstick with his mouth. I snapped a few pictures and giggled when Louis finished. There was a bright red circle around Harry’s mouth and the lipstick was everywhere. Liam and Niall were laughing their heads off at the sight of Harry while Zayn was recording a video.

            “Good job Lou,” Niall managed to say in between laughs.

            “That’s going up on YouTube,” Zayn said, smirking.

            “Yeah, yeah,” Louis said, “Now it’s my turn.” He took a few moments glaring at each of the boys while Harry wiped the lipstick off, “Niall, truth or dare?”


            “I dare you to speak everything that comes to your mind for the next three rounds.” Niall pouted and crossed his arms.

            “Damn you Louis,” he muttered. He sighed and turned to Harry, “Alright Harry, truth or dare?”

            “Dare. Duh.”

            “Let’s see here, oh, you’ll like this one Haz.  Go commando for the rest of the game.” Harry smirked and started taking off his clothes. That was my cue to go. I got up and started walking to the bunks. I heard Louis chuckle and as I walked past him I lightly hit the back of his head. He pretended to be mortally wounded and I rolled my eyes. I quickly got to my bunk and settled for listening to the boys’ conversation.

            I guess I was exhausted, because before I knew it, I was drifting off to sleep.

            The last thing I heard before I fell asleep was Niall saying, “God damnit, why did I have to think that? Harry, how the hell is that so long?”

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