Chapter 37: Another Memory

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Valerie’s POV:
            Pain. Absolute pain.
            Someone was softly shaking me.
            “Val, wake up love,” Louis said softly, “C’mon, you need to eat something.” I opened my eyes and sat up. I wanted to curl up in a ball again. I looked up at Louis and he smiled. I sighed.
            “I guess,” I said quietly. He held out his hands and I took them. He helped me stand up. I seriously felt dizzy, but Louis and I started to make our way out of the room. Louis stopped and turned back to the bed and I followed his gaze. My eyes widened when I saw the blood.
            “Lou…” My voice shook as I said that. Why was there so much blood? Was I having a miscarriage? Oh my god…
            “Val, we’re getting you to the hospital. Now,” Louis said. I nodded, not fully hearing him though, “Val, come on.”
            Louis picked me up and carried me out to his car. Sometime on the way there, I think I lost consciousness, because everything went black.
            I woke up. I sat up and rubbed my eyes.
            “Valerie?” I looked at the door and Louis was leaning on the door frame, “Everything okay? I heard you talking in your sleep.”
            “Really?” I didn’t know I talked in my sleep…
            “Yeah, you were saying something about a baby,” Louis said. He walked over to my bed and sat down, “Were you remembering something?”
            “S-something about a miscarriage?” I said. It sounded like a question.
            “Oh…” Louis nodded and came and sat next to me.
            “Is it a real memory?” Louis nodded. I heard a meow from the other side of the bed and I turned around and looked over the edge of the bed. I saw a little kitten trying to climb its way onto the bed.
            “Aww!” I picked the kitten up and started petting her. She started purring and she curled up to my side, “Who’s this little cutie?”
            “This is Darcy,” Louis said. He scratched Darcy’s chin and she purred louder, “She’s yours and Harry’s cat.” I picked Darcy up and laid her on my lap and lay back down in bed and Louis lay down next to me.
            “Are you okay?” he asked, after a moment of silence, “I mean with remembering the miscarriage and all?”
            “Who was the father?” I asked, “Was it you or…?”
            “No,” Louis said, “We didn’t go that far.”
            “Then who’s was it?”
            “Richard’s,” Louis snarled, his voice full of hatred for this man.
            “Who’s…?” I started, but Louis knew where I was going with the question.
            “Richard was the man who kidnapped you,” Louis answered, “At least we don’t have to deal with him anymore.”
            “What do you mean?” Last I remembered, Richard was still out there, searching for me.
            “You’ll remember soon enough,” Louis said, putting his arm around me, “I don’t want to overwhelm you, but I’m sure you’ll remember soon with how fast you’re remembering things.” I sighed and cuddled into his side. True, I didn’t remember being with Louis, and I didn’t remember much of what I felt towards him, but being with him, his arm around me, cuddling with him, it just felt right.
            I closed my eyes.
            “Lou?” I spoke up.
            “Could you stay here tonight?” I asked.
            “Of course.”
            I began to drift off to sleep and just before I entered dreamland, I heard Louis whisper, “Goodnight love.”
Harry’s POV:
            I felt someone’s lips against mine and I smiled. I opened my eyes and looked into my beautiful girlfriend’s eyes.
            “I could get used to waking up like that,” I said. Holly giggled and sat up.
            “Good morning Haz,” she said. I sat up and stretched, “I’m going to go and start breakfast.” Holly gave me one more quick kiss before she stood up and walked out of the room.
            I sighed and smiled. Meeting Holly is definitely one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I was really head over heels in love with her.
            She came back into the room, a big and bright smile on her face.
            “Niall has a really good camera, right?” she asked. I raised an eyebrow, but nodded, “Where does he keep it?”
            “In his room, why?” She just smiled.
            “Come and see.” I got up and followed her out of the room. She walked over to Niall’s room and quietly opened the door. We both tiptoed into the room. Holly spotted the camera and grabbed it. We quickly made our way out of the room and I followed Holly to the doorway of Valerie’s room.
            “I think she’s starting to remember her feelings for Louis,” Holly whispered pointing to the bed. Louis and Valerie were sleeping, Louis’s arm around her shoulder, Valerie cuddling into his side. I smiled.
            Holly started messing around with the settings on the camera and she turned off the flash.
            “Take a few pictures,” I whispered, “Just so they can remember this.” Holly took some pictures and I sighed. Hopefully Valerie would get her full memory back soon, then everything could go back to the way they were before.

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