Chapter 21: Scars

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Valerie’s POV:
            It had been five days since Harry and Holly’s date. They were seriously the cutest couple ever!
            We hadn’t heard about Eleanor or the man who was following us. We were starting to let our guard down.
            Louis and I were on the loveseat. I had my head in his lap and he was playing with my hair. Holly came downstairs with a book in her hand and walked into the kitchen. I sat up and started to stand when Louis pulled me back down.
            “Don’t go just yet,” he said, resting his chin on my shoulder.
            “I’ll be right back,” I said, “I just want to talk to Holly.” Louis chuckled and let me go. I turned and gave him a quick peck on the lips before I stood up and walked into the kitchen.
            When I went through the door, Holly was writing in the book. Her sleeve was rolled back and I saw a few tears fall.
            “Holly?” She jumped and quickly rolled her sleeve down. She turned to me and her eyes were red and puffy.
            “Oh, hi Valerie,” she said, wiping a few tears away.
            “Holly, what’s wrong?” I asked, walking up to the seat next to her and sitting down, “Did Harry do something stupid, I’ll still kick his ass for you.”
            “No, he didn’t do anything,” she said, “He’s been perfect.”
            “Then why are you crying?” She just shook her head.
            “It’s no reason.” I looked down at her arm, the one that had had the sleeve rolled up. She hadn’t rolled it up all the way and I caught a glimpse of what she was trying to hide. I slowly reached out for her arm and Holly didn’t stop me. I rolled back the sleeve and my breath caught in my throat when I saw them.
            “Holly, you don’t…”
            “No,” she said quickly, “Not anymore.” She sniffled and wiped her nose. I pulled her in for a hug and she started crying again. I glanced over her shoulder to the book that was lying open on the table.
            I guess I’ll start from the beginning…
            I switched schools in kindergarden because my parents died. They were killed in a home robbery gone wrong. I was taken in by my aunt and uncle, who couldn’t give a damn about me. They’re abusive, that’s what they are. The scars on my wrist, they’re from cutting. The bullying I got at school, it was all just too much for me. All the things that went on at school and home just made me feel unwanted and unloved. I don’t cut anymore, but the scars are still there. The scars on the rest of my body, those are from the countless hits I took from my uncle’s belt.
            The real reason why I was in London on my birthday was because I ran away. My aunt and uncle were arguing, and when they argue, they turn their anger on me. I just couldn’t take it anymore. I didn’t have any friends who could take me in, so I took all the money that I had saved up and bought a one way ticket to London. I honestly don’t know why I chose London, but I’m glad I did, and I’m glad I ran into Valerie and Louis, otherwise I would be on the streets in some random city.
            This is a good start I suppose… maybe I’ll make writing in you a regular thing.
            Holly pulled away and wiped her eyes.
            “Why didn’t you tell us?” I asked, motioning to her journal. She glanced over at it and closed it.
            “I don’t know,” she said, “My parents are dead, my aunt and uncle abuse me, I’m technically homeless, and I’ve been so alone. I guess I was just ashamed.”
            “That’s nothing to be ashamed of Holly,” I said, “You’re one of my best friends, I want to know when you’re hurting. That’s what friends are for, to help you.” Holly nodded. We were quiet for a while, then I spoke up again.
            “Does Harry know?” I asked, “About all of this?” Holly shook her head, “You should let him know. Don’t let him find out on his own.”
            “You won’t tell him will you?” she asked.
            “No,” I said immediately, “I won’t tell anyone. I’ll let you tell them when you’re ready. Just don’t take too long with telling Harry, okay?” Holly nodded and smiled a little.
            “Thank you Valerie,” she said. She hugged me again, “You have no idea how thankful I am that I met you and Louis that day in Chicago.”
            “I’m glad we met you too,” I said, hugging her back.
            “So am I.” Holly and I turned around to see Louis, leaning on the doorway, “You’re free to stay here Holly. We’ll help you get back on your feet again.”
            “How much of that did you hear?” Holly asked. Louis sighed.
            “I’ve been here since Valerie found your scars,” he said, “I won’t tell the others either, but I agree with Valerie about you telling Harry soon. He’ll want to help you.” Holly nodded.
             “I’m not ready just yet, but I will.” Someone came running down the stairs and in a few seconds Liam came to a skidding stop at the doorway. He was out of breath and panting.
            “Liam?” I got up and walked over to him. Liam held up a finger.
            “They’ve been spotted,” he breathed, “Eleanor and the guy that was following us. They’ve been spotted in London.”

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