Chapter 25: New Arrival

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Niall’s POV:
            Candy and I had our date the next day. It went great! She’s such a sweet girl. I asked her to be my girlfriend right after the date and she said yes. That was a week ago.
            Right now, Candy and I were waiting in the airport. I was picking up a friend of mine who was flying in from Mulligar. She would be staying with us for a while because her parents were going through a divorce and she didn’t want to be caught in the middle.
            “How much longer Ni?” Candy asked. I chuckled; she was so cute when she was impatient. I took her hand and squeezed it.
            “Not much longer babe,” I said. As if on cue, I heard a familiar voice call my name.
            “Niall!” I turned to the voice and smiled when I saw her.
            “Kiara!” She waved at me and walked over to us.
            “Thank you so much for letting me stay Nialler,” she said.
            “It’s no trouble,” I said, “Anything for one of my best friends.” Candy cleared her throat and I smiled, “Oh, Kiara, this is Candy, my girlfriend. Candy, this is Kiara Clarke, my best friend from Mulligar.” Kiara held out her hand for Candy to shake, but Candy just smiled at her. Kiara pulled her hand back and scratched the back of her neck.
            “Well,” Kiara spoke up, “We should probably get going before you’re noticed Niall.”
            “True,” I said. I let go of Candy’s hand and took one of Kiara’s bags. The three of us walked out of the airport, managing to not be spotted by the paps, and got into Candy’s car.
*One Car Ride Later*
            I gave Candy a goodbye kiss before she sped off. I grabbed Kiara’s bags and we both headed to the flat.
            “Ready to meet them?” I asked when we got to the door. Kiara chuckled.
            “Yeah,” she said. I opened the door and walked in.
            “We’re here!” I called. The guys came out of the kitchen and the girls ran down the stairs.
            “Hey!” Liam said. Kiara held out her hand for Liam to shake. He rolled his eyes and pulled her in for a hug. The others greeted her the same way.
            When they had all greeted Kiara, the girls grabbed her bags and led her upstairs. When they were out of sight the boys turned to me.
            “Dude,” Louis started, “Why aren’t you with her?”
            “I agree,” Harry said, “She’s a lot nicer than Candy.” I sighed. I knew the guys didn’t like Candy, but it wasn’t their decision on who I should date.
            “We’re best friends,” I said, “Nothing more.” Liam and Zayn rolled their eyes and Harry and Louis scoffed.
            “The way you talked about her these past few days makes me think that you wish you and her were more,” Liam said. I shook my head. Kiara and I have been best friends forever and I didn’t like Kiara like that. Did I?
Kiara’s POV:
            The girls led me upstairs and into one of the rooms.
            “Why are there two beds?” I asked, “Who am I sharing a room with?” The girls exchanged glances.
            “Niall,” one of them, Valerie, said, “There aren’t any more free rooms and we all figured you’d be more comfortable rooming with Niall.” I nodded and looked around the room.
            “I’m guessing it wasn’t this clean before I got here?” I guessed. The girls nodded.
            “Yeah, I’m surprised Niall was able to find anything in here before,” another girl, Perrie, said.
            “Hey, it was better than Louis’s room,” the third girl, Holly, said, “I’m just glad I stay in Harry’s room now.” Valerie chuckled.
            “So,” I said, “Who’s this Candy girl Niall’s dating?” The girls’ smiles fell.
            “She’s a bitch,” Holly said.
            “She’s no good for him,” Perrie said, “She’s just using him.”
            “She’ll crush him,” Valerie said.
            “She seemed pretty nice when I met her,” I said.
            “That’s because she was with Niall,” Valerie said, “As soon as he leaves the room, she turns into the wicked witch of the west.” I frowned. Niall didn’t know, but I’ve had a crush on him for a long time. It just about broke my heart when he introduced Candy as his girlfriend.
            “I think you and him would be a cute couple,” Perrie said and the other girls nodded in agreement. I blushed and Valerie noticed. She smiled.
            “You like him, don’t you?” she said. I bit my lip and didn’t answer. The look on my face must have been a giveaway though, because the girls ‘aww’ed.
            “You do like him!” Perrie squealed, loudly. I shushed her.
            “Quiet!” I said, making the girls smile and ‘aww’ more, “He obviously doesn’t feel the same way though. He’s in love with Candy.” Valerie frowned.
            “I don’t think they’ll be together for long,” she said, “I overheard Candy on the phone the other day. She was talking to some guy, Kyle I think she said.” Valerie sighed, “The way she was talking to the guy made it pretty clear. She’s already cheating on Niall.”

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