Chapter 20: Festivities

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Holly’s POV:
            It was five minutes to four so I decided to go downstairs. I walked out of Valerie’s room, ran into someone, and fell into their arms.
            “Oops, sorry Holly,” Harry said, steadying me. He grabbed onto my arms and I quickly pulled away, not wanting him to find the scars just yet. Explanation? Maybe later…
            “No, that one was all me,” I said, looking down at the ground. Harry reached up to my face and lifted my chin.
            “Don’t look down at the ground love,” he said, “People should be able to see those beautiful eyes of yours.” My insides nearly melted, how sweet was he? A lot sweeter than most of the other boys I’ve met, “Let’s get going, hmm?” He held out his hand for me and I took it. We walked down the stairs together and tried to sneak past the others, who were sitting in the living room, but Valerie spotted us.
            “Don’t forget Holly, if he does anything stupid, just let me know and I’ll kick his ass for you!” she called. Harry snorted and rolled his eyes.
            “Val,” Louis said, “You couldn’t hurt a fly.” Harry and I turned around just in time to see Valerie tackle Louis and straddle him.
            “C’mon you two!” Niall whined, “None of us want to see that!” Harry chuckled and pulled me to the door before anyone else could stop us. We walked through the door and Harry just about closed it when we heard Louis yell, “USE PROTECTION!” I laughed and Harry chuckled.
            “Louis, I swear to God…” Harry muttered, shaking his head. He took my hand once more and we started walking down the sidewalk.
            “So, Holly,” Harry started, “I know you like photography, but what else do you like to do?”
            “Well,” I said, “I like to make videos. I have a little group on YouTube for videos, but we don’t have very many viewers. I also like to write.”
            “Like to write anything in particular?” Harry asked. I shook my head.
            “Just anything that comes to mind, that’s how it was when I was in school too. I’d always need to have a notebook with me in case a story idea came to mind."
            “How was school for you back in Chicago?” he asked. I looked down at the ground.
            “Erm, not the best,” I said, “When I was in Kindergarden, I was kind of the bully of the playground. Then I switched schools and the tables turned. I was bullied all throughout elementary school and high school.” Harry frowned and furrowed his eyebrows.
            “Why would anyone want to bully someone like you?” he asked, “You’re an amazing girl. You, out of anyone, didn’t deserve to be bullied.”
            I sighed and looked down at the ground again.
            “You have no idea Harry,” I said. He raised an eyebrow, “Maybe later, okay? So where are you taking me?” I continued, changing the subject. He smiled and pointed ahead of us.
            “There,” he said. I looked forward and saw rows of tents on the sidewalk. A few blocks down, I could see carnival rides and a few game booths.
            “Welcome to the winter festival,” Harry said.
            We walked past the tents, where venders were selling their crafts and their food to the passers-by. I stopped at this tent that had a bunch of hand-bound books lying on the table. I picked one of them up and examined it.
            “Is this a journal?” I asked the woman selling the books. She nodded. I turned it over and saw the price sticker. I rummaged through my pockets for some money before I realized I didn’t have any. I sighed and put the journal down.
            “Do you really want that?” Harry asked and I nodded. He pulled out some money.
            “Harry, I can't let you buy this for me,” I said. He just gave the woman the money and handed me the journal.
            “I want to,” he said, “There’s no way I’m going to be able to win one of those stuffed animals from the carnival games, so this will be something for you to remember today by.” I tucked the journal in my bag and smiled.
            “Thank you Harry,” I said.
            “You’re welcome,” he said. He put his arm around me and we continued to walk down the street.
***Skipping le rest of date because I can’t think of what else to write***
            After dark, we walked back to the flat, hand in hand.
            “I had a lot of fun tonight Harry,” I said. He smiled.
            “I hoped you would.” We paused outside the flat and Harry turned to face me. He took both of my hands in his and we met eyes.
            “Holly, I’ve only known you for a month, but I feel like I’ve known you for forever. You’re a kind, sweet, funny girl who I’ve started to fall for. And I was wondering, hoping, that by some miracle, you would be my girlfriend.”
            “I’d be honored.” I leaned in and kissed him.

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