Chapter 6: Followed

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Louis’s POV:

            Valerie walked out of the room and I whacked Niall on the back of the head.

            “Really?” I asked, “You had to dare Harry to go commando?” Niall shrugged.

            “It was the first dare that came to mind,” he said, then he glanced over to Harry, “God damnit, why did I have to think that? Harry, how the hell is that so long?” Liam, Zayn, and I burst out laughing as Niall blushed.

            “I don’t have to answer that, do I?” Harry asked and we just laughed harder.

            “Okay, my turn!” Harry continued, and then he turned to me again, “Zayn, truth or dare?”


            “I dare you to give your phone to Louis, then he can text anything to anyone in your contact list.” I smiled mischievously as Zayn reluctantly handed me his phone.

            “Hmm, let’s see,” I said as I scrolled through Zayn’s contacts, “Mum, Doniya, Safaa, ooh, Perrie…” I typed an intimate message to Perrie and sent it. I handed the phone back to Zayn, smirking.

            “What’d you send Perrie?” Niall asked, trying to peek over Zayn’s shoulder as he looked back at the message I sent. Zayn read it and his face grew redder. He pushed Niall’s face away to keep him from reading it.

            “You don’t need to read this Niall,” Zayn said, “It’s too dirty for your innocent mind to handle.” Liam just laughed.

            “Zayn, you’re talking about the boy who dared Harry to go commando,” he said. Zayn rolled his eyes and stood up. He walked out of the room, probably to straighten things out with Perrie.

            “Well, I guess that’s the end of the game,” Liam said.

            “Aww…” Harry pouted, “Does that mean I have to get dressed now?”

            “Yes,” Niall, Liam, and I said immediately. Harry got dressed and by the time he was fully clothed, Zayn came back into the room.

            “Seriously Louis?” Zayn said, “Do you talk to Valerie like that?”

            “No,” I said right away, “You really think I would do that?” Before Zayn could answer, Liam’s phone went off.

            “Hello?” he said, answering the phone, “Oh, hi Paul. Okay… Alright, we’ll be ready to go when we get there. Thanks. Bye.” He ended the call, “Paul says we’ll be in Chicago in half an hour and to be ready to more to the hotel. He also said that he’s noticed a truck following us since we were at the gas station, so security’s going to be tighter than before.”

            “Did he say what the truck looked like?” Harry asked, eyes wide. Liam shook his head and Harry nearly ran to the back of the bus.

            “Harry, what’s going on?” Niall asked as we followed him. Harry looked out of the window at the back of the bus and scanned the vehicles behind us.

            “Shit,” he said, focusing on one truck in particular, “Louis, come here for a moment.” I walked over to him and he pointed to an old truck in the lane next to us, “Do you see who I see?” I squinted and looked at the driver of the truck. It took a while for my eyes to adjust, then I saw his face.

            “No way,” I breathed. The nerve of some people…

            “Guys, what’s going on?” Niall repeated.

            “It’s him,” I said, “The guy who attacked Valerie.”

Valerie’s POV:

            I woke up when the bus came to a stop.

            “Val?” Louis said. He was standing next to my bunk, “Ready to go?” I gave him a questioning look, hoping he knew what I was asking.

            “We’re going to the hotel,” he said, understanding what I was trying to ask, “We’re in Chicago now.” I nodded and got out of the bunk. Before I walked to the door, Louis stopped me.

            “Listen,” he started, “I need you to stay close to me, okay?” I raised an eyebrow, “I’ll explain when we get to the hotel.” I nodded slowly and grabbed my bag. Louis and I made our way to the door.

“The boys are already inside,” he said. Louis took my free hand and we walked outside and into the hotel lobby as quick as we could. When we got to our floor, Louis led me to one of the rooms and knocked. I guess he didn’t have a key…

            Paul opened the door to let us through.

            “You two will be sharing a room with Harry,” Paul said, “I think he said he wanted to talk to you, Valerie.” I nodded and Louis and I made our way to our room. As soon as I opened the door, Harry pulled us in and shut the door.

            I put my bag on one of the beds and sat down. I raised an eyebrow and looked at Harry and Louis expectantly, waiting for one of them to start talking.

            “Okay,” Louis started, “Liam got a call from Paul. He said that someone’s been following us.” I nodded, “When we looked outside, we caught a glimpse of the guy from the gas station. He’s been following us the whole time. Paul’s tightening security for the rest of the tour or until this guy stops following us.”

            “And until then,” Harry continued, “We’re not leaving you alone. Either one of us, Liam, Niall, Zayn, or Paul will be with you at all times. You’ll be going with us to every signing, interview, and concert.” I rolled my eyes, “I know it may seem we’re overreacting Val, but we just want you to be safe okay?” I sighed and nodded.

            “Fine,” I croaked. God I sounded terrible.

            “I thought I told you not to talk,” Harry playfully scolded. I just rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out.

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