Chapter 8: The Escape

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Valerie’s POV:

            We walked for a few blocks. Holly and I chatted on the way there.

            “So, Holly,” I said, “What do you like to do?”

            “I love photography,” Holly said, “That’s actually why I’m on my way to the bean. Under it, you can get some pretty cool shots. Is this your first time in Chicago?”

            “Yeah,” I said, “First tour with the boys as well. How old are you?”

            “Eighteen,” Holly answered, “Actually, I’m turning nineteen on the 24th.”

            “NO WAY!” Louis exclaimed, “THAT’S MY BIRTHDAY TOO!”

            “Seriously?” Holly asked and Louis nodded, “That’s awesome!”

            We all continued talking for the few block or two until Holly stopped us.

            “Here it is,” Holly said, pointing ahead, “Here’s the bean.”

            It was awesome; no wonder why it was called the bean.

            “That’s so cool,” Louis said, “C’mon! Let’s go under it!” He ran up the stairs and to the bean, pushing past several people on his way. I chuckled while Holly laughed.

            “Is he always like this?” Holly questioned. I nodded.

            “All the time.” I watched as Louis stood under the bean, looking up at the reflective ceiling. Holly and I walked to where he was, calmly. Holly pulled a camera out of her bag as I walked up to Louis. He saw me and smiled.

            “Isn’t this awesome?” he asked. I nodded, looking around at our reflections. I heard a click as Holly took a picture of us. She looked at the picture and smiled.

            “You two are so cute together,” she said. Louis’s smile grew as he wrapped his arms around my waist. Holly took another picture.

            We stayed here for at least an hour, Holly taking pictures of us every now and then. After that, we went to a small café nearby and ordered some hot chocolate to warm up.

            “Oh, that feels nice,” Louis moaned as he wrapped his frozen fingers around his warm cup. I glanced at the clock.

            “Louis, we should get going,” I said. I looked over to Holly, “Why don’t you come with us and meet the boys?”

            “Sure,” Holly said as we made our way to the door, “I’d love to.”

            Louis opened the door and Holly, him, and I walked in.

            “Val? Lou?” Harry’s voice called from one of the other rooms.

            “Yep, it’s us!” Louis shouted, taking his jacket off, “Hey, can you boys come out here? There’s someone we want you to meet!”

            “Sure, one moment!” There was the sound of feet pounding down a hallway and in a few seconds, Harry, Liam, Niall, and Zayn skidded to a halt in front of us.

            “Guys, meet Holly,” I said, motioning to Holly, “Holly, I’m assuming you know who they are?” Holly nodded. I glanced over at Harry, who couldn’t take his eyes off of her. Oh boy…

            Harry’s POV:

            “Guys, meet Holly.”

Dazzling. Gorgeous. Stunning. These words didn’t even come close to describing how beautiful Holly was. Her soft, blond waves, her bright blue eyes, her smile…

            “Harry?” Valerie snapped her fingers in front of my face and I jumped. She just rolled her eyes, “Now, why are you spacing out?” I had noticed that the boys and Holly had gone into one of the other rooms.

            “Um, no reason,” I lied. Valerie raised an eyebrow.

            “Yeah,” she said, “Right.” She rolled her eyes and walked to one of the bedrooms. I followed her and we went into the bedroom that Louis, Val, and I shared. Holly was sitting on my bed, talking to the other boys. They were asking her about herself. I walked over to the bed and sat next to her.

            “Well, I love photography,” she said, “Mostly nature shots, a few portraits here and there.”

            “Can we see some of them?” Niall asked. Holly took her camera out of her bag and went through some of the photos she had taken.

            “These are amazing,” I said, “You’re really talented.” Holly blushed and looked at the ground.

            “Thanks,” she said.

            “So, Holly,” Liam said, “How old are you?”

            “Eighteen,” she responded, “Actually my birthday’s…”

            “THE SAME DAY AS MINE!” Louis said, “WE’RE BIRTHDAY BUDDIES!!!”

            “Okay, maybe we shouldn’t have gotten you that hot chocolate,” Val said, as Louis started jumping up and down. The boys were laughing at Valerie’s attempts to calm Louis down and Holly was giggling.

            My phone went off and I answered it.


            “Hey, Harry, it’s Paul.”

            “Hey Paul, what’s up?”

            “Well, something’s happened uh-” I couldn’t hear the rest of what Paul said because the other boys were laughing so loudly at Louis, who just wouldn’t stop jumping.

            “Guys, can you shut up for a moment?” I yelled over the noise. Everyone went quiet, even Louis stopped jumping, “Thank you. Now, what did you say Paul?”

            “I said, Eleanor’s escaped from prison.”

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