Chapter 31: No One Compares

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Louis’s POV:
            I was getting tired and I wanted to go to sleep.
            “Go ahead Louis,” Harry said, “I’ll wake you up when they come out.” I nodded slowly before my eyes closed and I drifted off to sleep.
            “Louis.” Valerie was standing in front of me, as beautiful as ever. She seemed to be glowing, a white aura around her. She wore a white dress that went to her knees and white flats.
            “Valerie.” I walked toward her. I almost touched her cheek when I got shocked.
            “You may not want to do that Louis,” Valerie said, smiling sadly.
            “What’s going on Val?” I asked.
            “I just wanted to let you know,” she started, “No matter what happens, I love you. If I die on the operating table…”
            “No,” I interrupted her, “Don’t say that Val.”
            “You need to accept it as a possibility,” she said, “If I die, I need you to move on, find someone else who can love you even half as much as I love you. Can you try to do that?” I shook my head.
            “I can’t Valerie,” I said, “I can’t- I won’t lose you.” She looked down and sighed.
            “Just remember what I said Louis,” she said. She gasped and she was shocked, little white lines of electricity running over her body.
            “Valerie?” She looked at me and smiled.
            “I’ll see you soon Louis,” she said. There was a flash of white and she was gone.
            “Louis.” I faintly heard Harry’s voice calling my name. I opened my eyes.
            “What?” I asked. Harry was smiling a little.
            “She’s alive,” he said. I sat up straighter.
            “Then let’s go,” I said, “What are we waiting for?” Harry sighed.
            “She is alive,” he repeated, “But she’s in a coma Louis.” I was quiet for a moment. She was in a coma…
            “We can go and visit her now,” Harry continued. I stood up and we began walking down the hallways.
            “So what did Eleanor do to her exactly?” I asked. Harry sighed.
            “From what the doctors told us, she has deep cuts that are at risk for infection. She was hit in the back of the head and she has stitches there. There are also bruises on her wrists and waist that suggest that Eleanor wasn’t working alone. They were in the shape of hands, but they were too big to be a girl’s hand and the bruise patterns suggest rape.” My blood boiled at the last word. Hasn't Valerie gone through enough of this shit to last a thousand lifetimes?
            “Do they know who he was?” I snarled, unable to keep my voice calm.
            “The DNA test results will come back later,” Harry said with a hint of discomfort in his voice, “But we’re almost certain it was Derek.” Harry stopped in front of a door and grabbed the handle, “Don’t be alarmed when you see her,” he warned before opening the door.
            Six pairs of eyes turned to look at us as we walked into the room. They then diverted their gazes and looked at the bed, in which lay a girl I barely recognized, yet knew so well.
            She looked as though she was merely asleep, with her chest rising and falling. But that was the only visible sign that she was alive. Her skin was white as a ghost. Her hair was tangled, pulled back into a messy ponytail. There were tubes and wires hooked up everywhere and she almost could have passed off as a statue.
            I was vaguely aware of the others, watching my reaction to the sight. I felt tears begin to fall as I walked over to her side, pulled up a chair, and took her hand in mine.
            “Um, do you guys mind leaving for a moment?” I managed to ask without letting my voice falter. They silently made their way out of the room and I heard the door close. I took a shaky breath before speaking.
            “I’m so sorry,” I choked out, “I can’t help but blame myself for this.” I shook my head and looked down at the ground, “God, I’m an idiot! I had a feeling that something had to be going on after not hearing from or about Eleanor for so long. We should have had a body guard go with you and the girls. We could have had more people searching for her. There’s something we could have done to prevent this, there has to be.” I sniffled, “I don’t know if that was really you in the dream, but please Val, stay strong. For the girls, for Zayn, Niall, and Liam, for your family, for Harry… for me.” I kissed her hand, “You would want me to move on if you died, but I’d never be able to. You're irreplaceable, and no girl in the world could ever compare to you.” I took another shaky breath and closed my eyes, “I really don’t know what I’d do without you Val. I love you, so much, and I always will.”

Nobody Compares- Sequel to Never Broken (Louis Tomlinson Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now