Chapter 36: A Thousand Years

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Valerie’s POV:
            The next day I was able to leave the hospital. According to Harry, I was staying with him and the boys in their flat.
            Harry walked me up to what he said was my bedroom and I smiled. It was perfect. I smiled and walked over to the bed and sat down.
            Immediately, images came to my mind. Louis was sitting next to me on my bed. I had my arms wrapped around him and I was crying into his chest. I remembered I was scared because of… a nightmare, I think?
            “Val?” Harry waved his hand in front of my face, “Anyone home?”
            “Um, yeah.” Harry smiled.
            “If you need anything, just let any of us know, okay?” I nodded and Harry left the room. I looked around the room and sighed. I spotted a book on top of the dresser and walked up to it and picked it up. I opened it and smiled when I saw pictures of Harry and me from when we were younger. I walked back to my bed and started flipping through the pages.
            I soon reached a page that had a picture of Louis and me, both of us asleep. Louis had his arm wrapped around me and I had my head resting on his chest.
            I was rudely awakened from the first peaceful sleep I had gotten in years, by flashing and clicking. I opened my eyes and was instantly blinded by a flash.
            “Hey!” I yelled, sitting up and rubbing my eyes, trying to gain my vision back. Louis sat up and pushed away the camera Niall was using.
            “Hey! The couple’s awake!” Niall exclaimed, smiling wide. I blushed and looked down at the ground. I heard laughing and I looked up to see Louis blushing as well. Aww…

“C’mon guys, cut it out,” Louis grumbled, “Why don’t you go wake up Harry?”
           “Because he’ll murder us,” Zayn said.

            “Exactly why you should,” Louis replied.
            I smiled and kept flipping through the pages of the photo book. I hoped that the memories kept coming back this fast.
            I heard the faint sound of a piano playing. I closed the photo book, walked out of my bedroom, and followed the sound of the piano.
            “Heart beats fast
            Colors and promises
            How to be brave
            How can I love when I'm afraid to fall.

            It was coming from the room at the end of the hallway. I quietly walked up to the door and opened it slowly.
            “But watching you stand alone
             All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow

             One step closer.
             I peeked into the room and saw Louis playing a piano.
            “I have died everyday waiting for you
            Darling don't be afraid I have loved you 
            For a thousand years
            I love you for a thousand more.”

            I smiled. Louis’s voice had a calming effect to it.
            “Time stands still
             Beauty in all she is
             I will be brave
             I will not let anything take away
            What's standing in front of me
            Every breath
            Every hour has come to this
            One step closer.”

            I quietly closed the door and sat down in a nearby chair.
            “I have died everyday waiting for you
            Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
            For a thousand years
            I love you for a thousand more
           And all along I believed I would find you 
           Time has brought your heart to me
           I have loved you for a thousand years
           I love you for a thousand more
           One step closer
           One step closer.

           To be honest, I had a hard time not singing along to the song. It was one of my favorite songs before I was kidnapped. I used to listen to it every day. But I knew that if I started singing along, Louis would stop, and singing along wasn’t worth not hearing Louis sing.
            “I have died everyday waiting for you
            Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
            For a thousand years
            I love you for a thousand more
           And all along I believed I would find you
           Time has brought your heart to me
           I have loved you for a thousand years
           I love you for a thousand more.”

           Louis finished playing and sighed.
           “That was amazing you know,” I spoke up. Louis jumped and turned around.
           “Oh, hi Val,” he said, smiling. I walked over to the bench he was sitting on and sat next to him. I placed my fingers on the keys and began to just play a random tune. I don’t even know where it came from, but it sounded nice.
           “Do you know what song you’re playing?” Louis asked. I shook my head, “That’s Little Things, a One Direction song.”
           “Really?” Louis nodded and I smiled.
           “Have you been remembering much else?” he asked. I nodded.
           “I’ve remembered having a nightmare and you coming to calm me down,” I said, “And then waking up next to you after being blinded by Niall taking pictures.” Louis smiled.
           “I remember that day,” he said, “It was the day I realized I was falling for you.”

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