2| "its always a pleasure meeting me"

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"hey space cadet" a voice zoned me back to reality. "i need in there" she said, pointing behind me. "oh, sorry" i apologized, embarrassed for being in the way so long. i walked off to make sure i stayed out of her way. i'm pretty sure it was the same girl who kept walking across the field earlier, unless there was 2 neon pink haired girls wandering around the area the moment.

it was the first time i'd seen her but i wasn't very observant anyways. she didn't seem like too much of a joy to be around. very cold and bitchy vibes if i'm being honest. i took my items up to the cash. she was a few people ahead of me in line so i tried not to stare. i was pretty good at making myself invisible. the cashier finished ringing her through, she gave him a half ass smile and walked out of the store.

there was two people ahead of me in line, i stood and waited for my turn. "found everything you needed?" the cashier asked. "yeah" i said, putting my water, energy drink and new lighter up on the counter. "$12.62 please" the cashier said. i handed him a $20 and took my change. i walked through the sliding doors of the grocery store.

i bumped into someone when i walked out of the second set into the parking lot. "my bad. sorry" i mumbled and continued walking. "do you ever watch where you're going? pay attention to your surroundings?" a girl asked. i recognized the voice, it was the same girl as earlier. "sorry" i said. "that's not really an answer to my question" she said. "well then no i guess" i told her.

"why?" she asked. "that's just the way i am i guess?" i said hesitantly, a little confused by the sudden confrontation. "that's not a good way to be" she told me. "uh, okay" i told her. "the ability to speak doesn't make you intelligent. you should work on that" she said, and walked away from me. she was one bold person, i'd never even seen her before and she was talking to me like that. damn.

i guess i should really try to be more zoned in. i googled what "space cadet" meant, since that's what she had called me earlier. "a person perceived as out of touch with reality" well i guess she wasn't really wrong. she didn't seem super likeable, but maybe she was just having a bad day. you don't know what's going on in a strangers life.

i guess being bold and assertive can get you as far as you need it in life. i bet it would be useful at some points. i was definitely a victim of letting people walk all over me. other than kind of being a bitch to me she was quite pretty,

i decided to just go home. id been out pretty well all day. i avoided being home as much as i could. i ended up having to cross back across the football field to get back to my house. low and behold guess who was about halfway across it when i got there, the girl. i guess she heard me walking behind her or something because she turned around. "you following me or something? you can take a picture it'll last longer" she said to me.

"nope. i'm just going home. small world i guess" i shrugged. she stopped for a few seconds so i could catch up to her. "i've never seen you around here" she told me. "right back at ya" i said. "weird. i've lived here for like five years" she said. "well i've been here my whole life. nineteen years. never seen you" i told her. "really? that's crazy. you live around this neighborhood? i'm nineteen too by the way" she told me. she seemed a bit more personable now.

"yeah, i'm on scott street" i told her. "oh i'm only a couple streets over. i'm on laurier street. that's crazy i've never seen you. i'm jj by the way" she finally introduced herself to me. "i'm gus. jj is a cool name, is it from anything?" i asked. it sounded like a nickname, or maybe she just had super quirky parents.

"oh god, it's kind of a nickname. my parents decided to name me jessica jasper fields but that sounds fucking stupid and jessica is an awful name so, jj it is i guess" she told me. "i like jj better too. it suits you. you definitely don't seem like a jessica" i observed. "thank god. i'd end my whole life if i even seemed like a jessica" she laughed.

"you said it was gus right?" she asked. "yeah. gus, gustav, whatever. also, you're calling me the space cadet and you can't even remember my name i told you thirty seconds ago?" i chuckled. "well yeah duh i was more worried about having to explain my stupid ass name" she said. "i don't think it's that stupid" i told her. "well thanks. that makes one of us" she rolled her eyes.

"anyways, i have to turn here. maybe i'll see you around?" she asked, pointing to her street. "yeah maybe. it was nice meeting you" i told her. "of course, it's always a pleasure meeting me" she smiled and walked off up her street.

she was something for sure, i shook my head a little at her and walked a few more blocks to my street. i got home and went straight upstairs to my room, ignoring my parents and brother. most of the time we just fought. i was the disappointment of the family so i tried to keep myself hidden to avoid any unneeded confrontation with them. i got my first tattoo and suddenly i was the devil or some shit. you should see the looks on their faces when they see a cigarette in my hand though.

jj was better than my first impression of her, maybe a little rough around the edges still but i could be happy about a potential friend around.

chapter question: what did u eat for dinner today?

i had a salad and an orange ???

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