16| "theres the door bitch"

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"so this is like a real date?" i asked gus. "well, yes, have you never been on one?" he asked, sort of surprised. "nope" i said. "i'm guessing you have though" i said. "well yeah but it doesnt matter now" he answered. "i didn't say it mattered" i shrugged. "oh" he said.

we were walking down the street towards the restaurant were supposed to have lunch at. gus took my hand as we walked. our hands swung back and forth as we walked for a few strides. i felt like we were making a scene and people were staring at us. "this feels weird" i said, letting go of his hand. "what's wrong?" he asked. "it just feels weird and like super touchy. people are definitely staring at us" i said.

"hun every couple holds hands in public, it's normal" he said. "okay we'll i haven't and it seems weird and over the top" i told hun. "that's fine. we can move at your pace" he said, "but, i'm your boyfriend not your buddy. it's okay to touch me" he laughed a little. i didn't comment.

"it's fine though, you'll get used to it" he said. is been though a lot and done a lot in this world, but being in a relationship wasn't one of them so i had absolutely no clue of what to do or expect or what was normal.

we arrived at the patio for the restaurant. "reservations for gus" he told the hostess. "right this way" she said, leading us to our table. "thank you" he said, as we sat down and she walked away. "this is nice" i said, looking at this flowers and decor on the table. "i wanted to do something nice for our first real date" he told me. "this is good" i said.

a woman walked past our table, she has some very clear determination in her step. gus flinched a bit as she walked by, she probably just startled hun. "she's on a mission" i joked. "yeah must be" he said, half whispering.

the waitress came back to the table. "can i get you guys anything to drink?" she asked. "just water for me" i told her. "you can get something else if you want" gus told me. "i'm good" i said. "i'll just get a coke" he said to her.

the same girl that walked by our table earlier was sitting a few tables across from us, she was basically burning holes in gus' back from how hard she was staring. "looks like someone's got a little crush on you" i joked to him. "yeah. weird" he said, avoiding eye contact with me.

"you know her or something?" i asked. he shook his head. "you sure?" i asked. "yup" he said. "why's she got such a fucking staring problem?" i asked. "hey, it's okay, you don't need to get all worked up babe. there's nothing to be jealous of" he told me, taking my hand from across the table.

"i'm not jealous. strangers just need to learn how to mind their own god damn business" i scoffed. i looked at the girl, and gave a her a 'what do you want look'. she looked away for a few minutes while i continued to talk to gus.

"oh my god here she goes again" i said, as i felt her eyes on us. "hey bud, you got a staring problem?" i asked, just loud enough for her to head. "jj" gus scolded me. "what?" i asked. "we're in public!" he said. "and? i'm not 2 and you aren't my mom. i'm sick of this bitch staring at us" i said. "just leave it jj. don't cause a scene please" he asked. "the scene is already caused" i said.

"what do you mean?" he asked. "gus, why don't you keep your dog on a leash and teach her some manners. it's rude to yell at strangers" she said to him. "so you do know her?" i asked, after she addressed him by his first name. "oh gus. did he say he didn't know me?" she asked.

"yeah he did" i told her, giving him a dirty look. "so, who is she?" i asked him. "yeah why don't you do the honours. tell her who i am" she said. "gus what the hell is going on?" i asked him, angrily. "nothing" he said. "nothing my ass" i scoffed. "like if you did nothing wrong then just tell me who she is. unless you did something?" i welcomed a response.

"she's my ex" he said. "oh. your ex?" i asked. "yeah, that's me" she spoke up. "wasn't talking to you" i said to her. "you cheating on me?" i asked. "no, she literally just showed up here or something. i didn't know she would be here, i wish i would have so we could have gone somewhere else" gus said.

"so you didn't cheat?" i asked. "no jj, she literally just found me here or some shit" he said. "okay, then this is between me and you bitch" i said, turning towards her. "jj" gus cautioned me. "who the hell do you think you are?" i asked her. "i think i'm the better girl for him" she said. "oh that's funny, then why did he break up with you, and he's dating me now?" i asked.

"because he's stupid and didn't know what was good for him. that's why i came to show him again" she said. "you want her back?" i asked gus. "no i do not" he said. "perfect, there's the door" i said, pointing across the restaurant. "cmon gus, let's just talk. you just need to be shown what you're missing" she told him. "hey, i said there's the door bitch" i said again, a  little louder.

gus looked at me and nodded. "gus you know we were so good together" she said in a fake-whining voice. "claire, we literally were not good at all together" gus said. "claire is kind of a stupid name" i whispered to him. "anyways, the panel has spoken and we don't want you. you can go now" i said, shooing her away. she hesitated to walk for a second. "you better get it moving or i will just punch you" i threatened.

she huffed with defeat and turned around to walk out of the restaurant. "well that was entertaining" i said to gus. "yeah what the fuck, was she following me or something?" he asked. "i don't know, if i see her again i'll take some fucking hits if she's gonna keep being such a keener for ya" i told him. i wasn't jealous, she was just stupid and a bitch and i didn't like her.

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