10| "i dont even know your last name"

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gus and i drove back in silence back to his house. i was mad at myself for giving in but i certainly didn't need the police involved in this mess. something told me he wasn't bluffing about filing a missing persons report either. he pulled into his driveway and we got out of the car.

he let me inside where his mom was standing my the front door. "hi jj, how are you sweetheart? don't be mad at him but gus told me what had happened and i just wanted to tell you straight from me that you can really stay as long as you need. you're not burdening us at all i promise. anything you need jusy ask okay? give any clothes you need washed to gustav and i'll put them in the laundry okay? i'll have dinner ready in an hour is that okay?" his mom fussed over me as soon as we got inside.

"thank you so much liza. you guys are both so sweet, you don't have to do any of this" i told her. "really honey. it's okay. i'll see you guys in an hour to eat" she said, returning to the kitchen. "gus i can't just live here like this. i feel so bad" i whispered to him. "i promise it's okay. let's get you upstairs" he said, taking my arm.

"what clothes do you need washed?" he asked. "um" i thought, grabbing a few things out of my bag. "just these" i said, handing him my outfits from the last two days. "do you wanna shower?" he asked. "yeah, if you don't mind thanks" i said. i felt gross. "clothes and towel" he said handing me the stack, including the same hoodie and pants he'd given me last time i was here.

i washed the precious days of sweat and road dust off my skin, trying not to take too long. i hadn't really seen myself in a mirror but i'm sure i looked horrid as ever.

i shut the water off, dried off and got dressed. "hey" i greeted gus, walking back into his room. "hi. how are you?" he asked. "i feel a bit better now" i told him. "that's good. you care to share where you ran off to and what you were doing the last 3 days? you had me worried fucking sick" he said. "we can talk later" i dismissed it. "whenever you're ready then" he said.

"dinner!" his mom called from downstairs. "you ready to go? you hungry?"he asked me. "yeah i am. let's go" i replied. "i just made some chicken alfredo. i hope that's okay? it's typically a crowd pleaser" she told me. "yeah this is perfect. thank you so much" i said. by the time i'd had that short conversation with his mom, gus had finished half his plate.

"do you chew?" i laughed. "uh, kinda" he said. "so is jj short for something or is that just your name?" she asked. "it's kind of an abbreviation of my first and middle name. jessica jasper, which sounds super weird to me so i've just always gone by jj. i like it better" i explained to her. "yeah i like that to. fits you better" she agreed.

"gus had said you moved here a few years ago, where'd you move from?" she asked. "albuquerque" i answered, explaining my life story to her the same as i had to gus a week ago. gus had finished his food a while ago and i finished the last of mine. "thank you so much for dinner" i thanked his mom.

his mom had actually treated me like a regular human, she didn't even ask why i had gotten kicked out, or care that i had probably done something wrong. which is considerably better than how my parents had treated me the last nineteen years.

"you ready to talk now?" gus asked. "maybe" i told him. it depended on what he asked. "why'd you leave and disappear for three days?" he asked. "because i was handing it. dealing with it. by myself. i was just walking to kill time and next thing you know i'm just walking, and walking and walking and then i don't know where i am anymore so i turned around" i explained in the simplest terms possible.

"don't do that shit again please. like at least give me your phone number or something. you could have been dead" he said. "oh yeah. you don't even have my number" i said, half ass dismissing his concerns. i opened the contacts app, and put gus onto the first name line. "i don't even know your last name" i laughed, handing him my phone to put the rest of his info in.

"åhr" he said. "gustav åhr. i like it" i said. i texted him so he had my number, then plugged my phone into his charger. "that also wasn't a very good answer  but i'll take it for now" he said. "that's the only answer you're getting so take it" i told him.

"also, are you good with staying in my bed again or i can take the couch or whatever. whatever you're comfortable with" he offered. "beds fine. same as last time" i said. he smiled.

"thanks for having me again" i said. "no need to keep thanking me" he told me. we sat down on the bed and he looked closely at me. "what?" i asked. gus reached forward, brushing hair out of my face. "your roots are growing out. i have extra pink dye if you want it" he offered. "why do you have pink dye?" i asked. he was blonde. "because i've had pink hair" he said. "that's awesome" i told him.

gus smiled at me, i smiled back at him. we got caught in each other's stare for a second. "gus" i started but lost my train of thought, looking down at his lips. the two of us were on the same wavelength, gus leaned in and kissed me, gently resting his hand on the side of my face. it didn't feel forced, it felt right.

chapter question

what song are u listening to rn/last song u listened to ?

belgium -peep

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