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hi wow this has been a journey

So yes, this is the end of Heaven Envy. But fear not! There's more to it in the works!

I'm currently working on something that I am unable to post atm, but it will be up sooner or later

Meanwhile, my s/o is working on... Another side of the story. If I could elaborate without spoiling I would but alas, I cannot.

So thank you to all my friends who helped out by making ocs and giving me story ideas! I love you guys a ton and this wouldn't have been the same without you! 💙💙💙

And keep an eye out for the other two stories, coming up soon!

Another side to the story - (COMING SOON) Fanganronpa: Hell's Wrath

The rest of the story - (COMING SOON) Fanganronpa: Purgatory's Pride

Fanganronpa: Heaven EnvyWhere stories live. Discover now