chapter 1

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{updated chapter}

Harry's Pov

I sat at the Gryfindor table, staring dreamly at my  crush that no one knew about. it was a He and he was a particular slytherin with shiny blonde hair that I longed to touch.

"Harry are you listening to me!?" Hermione snapped at me. of course I wasn't listening to her, "well now I am." I said tearing my eyes away from the Slytherin table.

"I was just explaing to you the uses of Dragon blood-you know what, I give up. Ill tell you later, go back to staring at Malfoy."

My heart stopped and my face flushed red. "What are you taking about?" I asked trying to hide the panicked expresion on my face.

"You were staring at him for the past 20 minutes." Hermione said as she took a bite into a sandwich. "No i wasnt!" I said too quickly. "Then who were you looking at?" Hermione asked going back to her big book, " er Pansy." He thought quickly. "hmm yes I'm sure you were looking at pansy" She said in a mom kind of voice where they know you're lying.

"I wont tell any one if you dont want me to." I took in a deep breath.Hermione was one of my best friends, i trusted her in my secret knowing she wasn't the type of person to tell even Ron about it.

The first class was Potions with Slytherins, I finally had a reason to actully like potions class. Not the actual class, just the fact that I was able to sit behind Malfoy and look at him without it looking suspicious. Hermione, Ron, and I all took our usual table at the back where I had a perfect view of Malfoy.

Draco's Pov

Breakfast was usually with a big feast, i sat down next to Cabbe and Goyle and piled my plate with food. Throughout breakfast i kept getting the feeling that somebody was staring at me, this wasn't that unusual since Pansy and her friend would often look at me then giggle when I caught them. I looked over at Pansy who was a few seats down and found that she was too focused in a gossiping with her friends to notice him that morning. After a few minutes the feeling of being watched didn't go away so i decided to scan the room and then i eventually found the one staring at me.

What was potter doing staring at me like that? Did he want to fight? I couldn't fight him in front of all the profferers though..  As Potter noticed I was staring back at him he turned slightly red and quickly looked away. "What a stupid git", I thought.

Not long after i caught him staring again and i shot him a glare which made him turn his attention to his mud blood friend. I returned to my cerial concentrating on it and trying to ignore the feeling of being watched that came back just a few moments later.

I didnt want anyone else seeing potter stare at me, they might get the wrong idea. Or they might just think hes looking for another cleaver way to kill me and land the rest of may family in Azkaban ,you know, the usual.

In potions class I felt again that same feeling and glanced back to see him looking at me then pretending  to go back to his potion and then i watched as he accidently added the wrong ingredient which caused his caludon to expose into bright blue  flames. The whole class went quiet except for Granger and Potter who were desperately trying to quench the flames but were failing miserably.

Snape slowly walked up to the two of them and waved his wand to get rid of the flames. "20 points from gryffindor for starting a fire, 20 more for adding the wrong ingredient and 10 more for not correctly extinguishing the fire." he said.

The Slytherins started snickering but I found myself feeling bad for the two. "you will both get no marks for today" Snape said to them which made the snickering louder and Granger yell out in protest which only caused another 20 points from Gryffindor.

I couldn't stop but think of why my opinion about Potter was slowly changing, Just a month ago I would have laughed so hard that i would have probably started crying but today I felt different..

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