chapter 17

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Harry's pov

It was two weeks before school started and i was allowed to leave the manor.after giving draco a secret big kiss i left to the burrow.

When i got to the burrow the weasley's were all wondering why i didnt come sooner.i told them i got held up at the drusley's then i went to bed.

The next day we got our O.W.S i got 7 owls.we went to diogon ally the following day and we also got to see fred and george.

We went to madam molkins and i saw draco their getting his robe fitting.later that day i follwed draco secretly to the dark arts shop while the weasley's and hermione were at the joke shop.

I wacthed,useing the extendable ears,as he talked to the man at the counter and scareing him when he showed his arm to the man.weird..

Draco went out of the shop and was about to pass me but i grabbed his hand and brought him to a abandoned ally.

"What the fu-Harry!?" He said as i took the cloak off. "Hi." I said. "What were you-?" I stoped his sentance with a rough kiss.

I slid my tounge over his bottom lip  and he opened up his mouth as we faught for domonance.After a dance like tounge war i won and explored his mouth.

We were agenst the wall now,or at least draco was.both of us pulled away for breath as a string of  saliva conected our mouths.

"Harry?" I herd some one call from a distance.dam it. "Gotta go." I say giving him a quick kiss then running off under my cloak.

The weeks passed by quickly and soon i was boarding the train as it lurched forward causeing me to stummble a bit.

I remembered ron and hermilne had prefect dudties so

I opened the first camoartment i could reach and it turned out to be one filked with slytherins.

There was zabini,goyle,cabbe-and draco with his head on pansy's lap as she stroked his head. Jelously and anger went through me.Was he cheating?!

I closed the compartment door and found a empty compartment,i sat down grumply with my hands crossed. There were gigled from out side of the canoartment and soon the door slid open and a gjrl came in.

"Hi harry,im romilda Vane." She said in a very flirt like voice. I scowled at her. "Do you want to sit with us-?"  "No." I said. "There's plenty of room in here for me." The girl frowned then walked out of the room.

Draco's pov

Harry didnt look so happy when he saw my head on pansy's lap.i hope he's mad...i waited an hour then i excused myself to the bathroom.

It was easy to find harry's campartment.a bunch of girls were outside of it gigling and talking.i pushed them aside and walked in.closeing the window so they couldnt peek in.

He was asleep,no wonder they want to look at him.he looks like an angle."harry." I say trying to wake him up. Unfortunately he didnt wake up.

I pressed my lips to his and he woke up with a start. He did indeed look mad. "Its not what you think you saw." I said.he didnt look convinced.

"I have to pretend i like her." I was true,my dad said to like someone with pure blood and they had to be a girl.

He still looked mad.i climbed on top of him with my legs on either side of him and insat faceing him,sitting on his hands were in front of me pressing down on his crotch.

"Dont do something like that.i thoight you dumped me or something."  I put our lips together for a short kiss then i pulled away "okay." Our lips were locked together again and we sat there makeing out as the train continueted to move.

After about 5 minuets the door slids open and a voice says "hey Harry i just wanted to-OH MY GOD!" the door closes with a  slam. "Who was that?" I ask "cho chang.." Harry says.

Harry's pov

Draco goes back to kissing but i hold him back a bit. "What if your dad fund out.....again?" I ask him. He pouts since im not letting him kiss me.

He sits back "who cares if my dad finds out,he's in azkaban." Draco says.well he dose have a point.he leans back in and when i dont push him away he begins kissing me again.

The door slides open again and some heads peek in.after seeing us,the girls go back out of the door and more gigling comes. We ignored the gigling,then for the third time the door slides open.

"DRACO WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!!" The voice of pansy shrieks.draco had an anoyued expresion on his face as he turned around to look at her.

"YOURE MAKEING OUT WITH POTTER??!?" she yelled in disbelief. "You mean im makeing out with my boyfreind?" Draco said plainly.

Pansy stood their with a mad expression on her face. "You couod leave now." Draco said. She looked like she wanted to yell but she turned around and walked out.

Just as we were about to continue the door opened again. "Hi Harry-ooh." It was ron and hermione this time. "We were wondering why there were so much people out there." Hermione says.

"We could sit here right?"ron asks "yeah,of course." I this draco pushed down really hard on my crotch and i bit my lip so noises wouldnt come out.

Draco shifted his position so he was faceing ron and hermione but he was still on my lap. "Whats malfoy doing here?" Ron asks.some times i forget how stupid he is.

"He's my boyfreind." I say. Ron widened his eyes. "Youre gay?!" He asked. "Didnt you see what skeeter wrote in the daily prophet in our 4th year?" I asked him.

"I dont read the daily prophet." He says. "And i dont hang around fags." ron adds as he stands up and storms out of the room."Ron!" Hermione said running after him.

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