chapter 10

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Draco's Pov

I wacthed as potter jumped into the lake.what were we suposed to do for 1 hour? my father was their by me so i couldnt look too worried about potter.

During the hour i found myself looking at the lake alot.cedric and krum came out and then the hour was up,fluer didnt get anyone and i was getting really worried.

Did he drown?i looked into the water hopefully as my dad chuckled evily.As i was about to loose hope,potter  rose out of the water with a girl and weasly.

I suddenly got jelous.did he not care for me anymore?he got some extra points for getting the girl then th e second task was over.

As much as i wanted to go up to potter and kiss him i walked away carlessly and glanced at him.To my surprise he was already looking,i quickly looked away and followed the slytherins into the common room.

Dinner would be in about 10 minuets now and i was laying on my bed looking pointlessly at the ceiling.  "Draco you coming?" I herd my best freind blaise say snappingme out of my daze.

"Wha-oh yeah im coming." As the two of us walked to the great hall blaise said, "you seem distracted." "Really?" I asked "is it about the howler  that you got last month?" Blaise asked me.

"Uhhhm yes and no." I answered as we opened the door to the greathall. "Comon tell me." Blaise demanded as we neared the slytherin table.

He must have noticed me looking at potter, "what did potter do this time?" Blaise asked. "Nothing." I say as i pile my plate with food,tearing my gaze away from the boy.

"He must have done something if youre looking at him all the time." I froze "I dont know what youre talking about." I said with my mouth full with pancakes.

"You know what im talking about,youre always looking at him with puppy dog eyes." Blaise said "since when do you stare at me when im stareing at someone?" He ignored my question about him stareing at me and he yelled "AHA youre gay to potter!"

"Shhhhh." I said hopeing no one herd that. "I was gay with potter." I hissed at him. "And youre not anymore?" He asked.

"We broke up a long time ago." I said playing with my food. "Stop playing with your food." Blaise says, "yes mom." I say looking anoyyed .

"Did you just sass me?" Blaise asks with a confused expression on his face.

Harry's pov

I glance at the slytherin table and see blaise and malfoy laughing.Why dose blaise get to sit by Malfoy?Why dose he get to laugh with malfoy?

Just beacuse im the boy who lived i cant talk to Malfoy i cantnanything to malfoy.i ate grumply as ron and hermione did their usual fighting about the spew.

I still had one more task to do before this whole thing would be over.then i could have a normal year at hogwarts!

My eggs tasted sour from my bitterness as i ate them and glanced at malfoy once in a while.i looked up at him for the about 40th time and was surprised to see him already looking.

Our eyes met,those greyish blue eyes.i got a sudden wanting to just walk over to him and take him away like hey fuck the rules!

I had double potions with slytherins.Me,Hermione,and ron walked to potions class early and waited for the slimy git Snape to come.

Not sure if it was good luck or bad luck but Malfoy and his two side kicks came next.i was grumpy eve th time he was around becuse i couldnt hug him or kiss him anymore.

"Why so grumpy potter?" Malfoy said with his usual sassy voice.i got more grumpy beacuse he was talking to me like nothing happened between us.  "Shove off malfoy." Ron said.

"Shut up weasleybee." Malfoy said makeing ron angry. "You didnt answer my question potter." Malfoy says. More students were waiting for class to start now.

"You know why im grummpy,ferret." I said ,malfoy looked taken aback and slightly hurt.just then profeccer snape came and led the class in.

I sat in my usual seat by Hermione and Ron as class began.potions was dull as usual.i was in the middle of skinning something when a peice of flying parachement hit me in the face.

I opened the parachement to find a message from Malfoy.What a bit surprise (sarcasum).the note had two simple words.

Im sorry.

I looked up to malfoy them back to my potion and crumpled the paper the end of class snape drained my potion beacuse i exedently meased up,so i got a zero for the day.

I kept thinkong of the words on the parachemnet. Im sorry. I didnt exacly know what it ment.sorry for makeing fun of you all my life?sorry for makeing you mad today?...sorry for brakeing up with you? I th ought of the posibilities as i walked to defense agents the dark arts class.

Draco's Pov

As i sat in potions i kept thinking of what harry said 'you know why im grumpy,ferret.' I kept feeling guilty,i didnt want to brake up with him.i had to.

With out knowing what i was doing i enchanted a piece of parachement and sent it to harry.on the front it said im sorry, but on the bavk it said maybe next year when my dads not around.

I had a feeling he didnt read the back as he crumpled up the note.

Guys so i was thinking,what if harry got slytherin and was freinds with Draco,im thinking of starting another drarry ish book starting when harry gets skytherin.

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