chapter 5

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Draco's pov

I woke up with Harry snuggled up on my bare was sunday so there was no class.Why is he so dam cute when he sleeps?

His mouth was slightly open as his chest rose up and down.he looked the thought of it a clock apeared  and i looked at the time 8:07 we could make it to breakfast.

"Harry." I said quietly. "Hmm?" He said still asleep. "Wake up." I said a little louder.He stirred then slowly opened his eyes revieling the butiful green orbs.

"Lets go to breakfast." I say as he yawns and slowly nodds his head and i gave him a small kiss on his nose.after we got dressed we walked into the great hall 2 minuets apart so people didnt get ideas.

I sat down by pansy,i drank some punkin juice and pansy said "ahem." I looked over at her,she was holding a vial that contianed a truth telling was nearly all gone.

"What did you do?" I ask her. "Comon sense,now who do you like ?" I could feel the potion forceing the words to come out of my mouth.quickly i put my hand over my mouth as the muffled name came out.

"Ottr." I said threw my hand. "Who?" She asked. With out wanting to i practicly yelled out "Potter."pansy froze "are you dateing?"  She asked. "Yes." My mouth forced out agenst my will.

Before she could ask another question i left the great hall. I went into an empty classroom.the whole slytherin table herd that.....

A few minuets later i herd the door open.i looked up to see harry walking in. "What happened?" He asked sitting on the ground next to me.

"Pansy put truth potion in my drink."


"She asked me who i liked and i tried not to but i said your name then she asked me if i was dateing and i said yes."

Harry froze.he probly knew that Pansy might tell my dad this,it would not end well...

Hi guys sorry for the short chapter,i will be updateing again today.i hd to wake up at 7 today to go to the dentist and they had to pulk out one of my niw my mouth still herts alot.then i hadva 5 hour dream that all my teeth fell terifiying is that?any way i hope you enjoy this book.

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