chapter 11

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Harry's Pov

I sat in divitation stareing simlessly into the crystal ball.all i saw was the dust and i was getting really bord.i took out the crummbled note from malfoy and re read it over and over again.

As bordom took over i flipped the paper over to find more words.

Maybe next year when my dads not around.

My eyes widened. Dose this mean what i think it means!?i could hear my heart pounding from exitement.for once i 2anted the school uear to end and for the next to begin.

Once the bell rang i pretty much ran out of class to potions,hopeing to see malfoy my luck he was..and he was alone.

"Potter," he said rudely in greeting.i ignored that and put the note in his face "what do you mean?" I demand.   "Uh-" "Well!?" I asked again.

"Well what do you think it means?"  He askes. "I dont know thats why im asking you.mow answer me!" He hesitated, "it means we could maybe datw again next year when my dad dosnt go to the school to see the tasks." Malfoy said quietly not looking at me.

My hopes got up again. "Really?!" I said a little too loudly. He nodded his head, "just play along with the we hate each other thing." He said.

Before he could say anythin b else i gave him a quick kiss on the lips "okay!" I said cheerfully then backed away a little and saw hermione and ron coming.

Draco's pov

Did he just-what the!? I look at potter with a shocked expression,he smirks back at me.i guess i have next year to look forward to now....

Class started and i still felt the watmth of were his lips were. I just relized how much i wanted to feel them on mine.


i see why potter was so grumpy our luck we were partners for a potion,snape probly thought we hated eachother..jokes on him.

We kept up the act,being mean to eachother when ever one of us messed up.when we werent saying mean things to eachother we were talking under our breaths to eachother.

After class it was lunch,i sat on the slytherin table next to blaise again. "So how was potions with potter?" Blaise asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked, he didnt go to my potions class " i herd he was your partner." Blaise says. "Oh yeah that," I said picking at my food,i guess i could tell him...

"Well?" Blaise said impationtly. " well uh-before class we may or may not have kissed-" i choked on the word kissed. "And were pretending to hate eachother untill next year." I fi ished quickly.

Blaise got a somewhat evil smile on his face. "Stop that youre creeping me out." I say.

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