chapter 2

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(Havent edited this chapter yet so it dosnt match up with chpter 1)

Harry's POV

Durning potions class Malfoys couldren lit up in flames and i was to blame.What if snape saw me looking at him?no snape always picks on me ,stop being stupid Harry!

The rest of the day i had classes with hufflepuffs and one time with ravenclaw.All classes were dull exept for the last class where finally it was with slytherins.

Mad eye moody was the new defense agents the dark arts teacher.he showed us the the unforgivable curses.

This was the only time i didnt look at Malfoy,i was curious of how my parents died.

Acording to Dumbledore this year was the tri wizard tortement only for 7th years.the two other schools came with a few of their students.

As the days went by i was looking for a way to tell Malfoy i liked him.Yeah he would probly beat me up and call me a faggot or something,thats kinda what i feared.

I didnt want that to happen, i want Malfoy to like me back,i wanted to be able to give him kisses on his perfectly shaped lips,i wanted to give him huggs and snuggle into his chest....but would that ever happen?

"Harry,are you alright?" Hermione asked me as i sat stareing out to the big lake "you seem a bit down." "Im fine Hermione,just thinking." I said.

"You sure,beacuse if you ever need to talk to some one about anything you can talk to me." She said sounding concerned. "Im sure,thanks anyways 'Mione."

I leaned back on the tree a little more.

I really did want to talk to some one.but i wanted that some one to Be Malfoy.Sighing i returned to my homework, a foot essay for this healing potion.

The next day was the choosing for the wizard tortement. I was hopeing a gryfindor would get in for hogwarts instead of Cedric digory the hufflepuff guy.

Fluer was picked,victor krum was also picked.i was silently hopeing it was a gryfindor for Hogwarts but cedric was of course picked.

The three went away and to our greatest surprise another wizard was chosen. "Harry potter."

Draco's Pov

"Harry potter."

What? How can he be picked? This is a prank. Why am i worrying so much about my enemy? Potter had a look on his face that was saying 'fuck,why is it always me?'

I watched as he walked away then the teachers follwed.i knoticed i was biting my lip and i stoped at once.No Lip biting. I scolded myself.

And i Am not i repeat i am not gay for potter!


So we are haveing a yule ball? Who am i suposed to take? Even Longbottom got himself a date! Just ask pansy you know she likes you.

But i dont like her!

I could just sure goyle and crabbe habent got dates too.....right?

Help me.

Harry's Pov

A ball!?

I could ask Malfoy!What if he already got a date,he's hot enough to get any girl he wants.I was nervouse the whole day,i tried getting cho to go with me but she is going with cedric.

Just ask malfoy,that easy just ... go.. and... ask.,him.dinner was almost over and i spotted the blond slytherin getting up out of his seat and going out of the great hall.

Quickly i followed him out. "Malfoy!" I called.he stoped in his tracks and turned around.he looked quite shocked to see me there.

"What do you want potter?" He asked not exacly spitting the words but looking like he ment to spit them. "I-uh-i was wondering if you want to go to the yule ball with me?" Oh who was i kidding,he's not going to say yes ,he is a boy and i doubt hes gay.

Malfoy froze looking at Me. "Yes and no." He finally said "w-what do you mean?" I asked,my face was red from asking both questions. "I'll go with you,but im not going to be seen danceing with a gryfindor boy."

Malfoy said. So hes going with crush is going to the yule ball with me! "I didnt say yes beacuse i like you." Draco said turning his head that was as red as tomato sauce. "I said yes beacuse i had no one to go with."

Oh.... "and youre kinda hot." Malfoy added quickly. Whaaaaaaaaaa? Before i could question him he was out of sight. be called me hot!!!!

I did some sort of happy dance in my head.wait if he's not going to dance....i still have to find a girl to go with.

Draco's Pov

My face was redder than ever as i dashed out of sight from the gryfindor boy.did i just admit that i think he's hot?in front of him!?

This is bad. this is goood....But this is bad. ... oh well we wont be danceing together so...

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