chapter 12

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big time skip to the maze..sorry.

Draco's pov

J wacthed from the stands as harry tried to get to the end of the maze.he came a cross a lion thing and sokn he and cedric where both touching the trophie.I expected fireworks or some th ing but insitead of that the two boys disapeared.

That nust be part of the task......right? passed 5 minuets,10minueys,15,20..25..sudenly the two apeared,harry clunching cedirc.

The stands roares with aplause but something wasnt right.cedric was dead.........mad eye took Harry away some where and every one was sent to their common rooms.

Sorry for the short chapter...but this is the end of their 4th year at hogwarts.soo

COMMET please.i love reading your guyses commets.

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