chapter 19

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Btw in this book sirius never died.

Harry's pov

I woke with Draco's arms still around me.i snuggled closer to him,as i was about to close my eyes again i remembered class. "Are you awake?" I asked. "Yep." Draco said," how mucj0h time do we have?" "Enough to go to our comon rooms,get ready.the have breakfast."he said.

I shifted my position so i was faceing him and i locked our lips together.It was a normal kiss for the firat 5 seconds or so but now we were batleing for dominance.

Draco won and exlored my mouth.i  moaned as he slightly tuged on my hair.i wrapped my hands around his neck,pulling him closer to me.Soon we pulled away for breath.

Ron's pov

Harry didnt turn up while  i was atthe common room.I went to breakfast wi th hermione and sat down in my usual spot next to hermione,lavender sat next to me.

Hermione kept tellingme to do a real mucha s i felt sorry for the git,i already apologize.malfoy and harry came into the greathall holding hands until malfoy let go to the slytherin table.

Harry put  a hand through his ha d and looked around the gryfindor table.Hermione was in front of me waving her hand at Harry,he took one look at me then sat at the edge of the table.far away from us.

"Hey lavender." I said,she turned her head twards me. "Go out with me?" I asked.

Harry's pov

I sat at the edgeof the table nor wanting to sit with weasley.i got some bacon and began eating,i picked the same classes as draco,my firat classwas defense against the dark arts.

I quickly fiished eating then walked with draco to our first class.we were practiceing non verble spells.snape who still hated me shot a spell at me verbley which i blocked also with words.

"You do remember potter we're practicing non verble words."


"Yes sir. "

"There is no need to call me sir profecer."

Well i got detention.

My last class was potions, instead of sisting with weasley and hermione i sat by draco. "Harry m'boy you made it!why are you sitting at the slytnerin table-oh thats right you and mr.makfoy are a thing." Slughorn said as he entered the classroom.

He showed us a lot of  type of of them smelled strongly like Draco and soon i learnes its a love potion.since i signed up for potions at the last minuet i had to borrow a book.

The only one left was all ripped up and wrighten on.we had to make a potion so i turned to page 3 and began.u followed a little notw on the book and i ended up winning and getting some felix potion.

"Dont worry," i said to a grumpy looking draco  "ill let you have some."

After class we went outside since it was a sunny day, me and draco sat agenst a tree,i sat on his lap which he didnt seem to mind.we began our homework and a few minuets later lauren came and sat next to us.

"Hi draco,Hi harry!" She said wi th her usual happy voice."hi lauren," i said. "I herd the news about you two,so you guys dont mind people knowing about your relationship?" She asked.

"Nah," draco said as he dipped his quill into the botle of ink. "Well im happy for two." She said. "Thank you lauren." I said. "I never really saw you two kiss." Lauren said with her red hair flowing behind her.

"You want us to?" Draco asked with a raised eyebrow. "Sure!" She said "i bet you two look even cuter kissing!" I turned my head so i was lookind at draco then he put our lips together.

it was a short kiss,but long enough to make lauren sqeal and say "you two are sooo adorable."

Weeks later ron was still the stupid was the first hogsmead but draco couldnt go beacuse he had detention.i disided not to go either and i stayed in the room of requirements looking at drwco's dot until it showed him finally coming to the room.

When he got to the room we talked about quidicth.i had to start tryouts to arrow for my new team,draco was the caption of the slytherin team but he didnt need tryouts.

I peeked at the map and saw a bun change of students walking to the hospital the hispital wing was katie bell.

The next day i was on the field with a bunch of people trying out,draco was in the stands watching me as i got players.i got all players exeot a keeper,and there is no way im ketting mclaggen in.

"Weasley." I said walking over to him,he made a hmm sound, "youre the new keeper."weasleys eyes lit up. "Really?" He said. Inodded my head then went up to draco who was walking off the stands.

Slughorn was inviteing me to many parties that i  chose to decline.hermione said that this girl romilda vane was planning to slip me a love potion,that same day she offered me candy that i took but i didnt eat it.

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