chapter 24

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Draco's pov

Me and harry were still together.i was in the hospital wing being anoyyed for the a millionth time of Harry's sorry's. Harry must've not noticed it when we had the duel thing but i almost used the crucio curse on him,i guess it was good that harry stoped me...right?

I stared at the ceiling trying to ignore Harry's pitty,but it was harder than i thought. I grabed Harry by his tie and brought his face down next to mine before kissing him.

harry understood that it was a sign of 'shut up'.madam pomfrey walked i to the room," draco youre free to go.dont get up to quick." She said. I got up off the bed and after thanking madam pomfrey i walked out of the hospital wing with Harry at my side.

It was getting nearer to the day,just a few more weeks.....

the week went by with gryfindor winning the quidecth gqme then harry had to go to dumbkedores office. Madam rosmeta saw him going fot a drink at hogsmead and she wrote to me on the coin telling me.

I let the dreath eaters in through the vanishing cabenet and thwy set the darkmark over the school.the order of the phionex was there fightijg the death eaters as i went up stares to the astronomy tower where i surprisingly saw dumbkedor.

Harry's pov

Draco??!! I was frozen as i wacthed Dumbledore and draco talk.draco was shakeing badly trying to keep his wand steady.soon more death eaters came and they were telling him to hurry up.

Snape came and he killed dumbledore...i unfroze bit had shock still on my face.Draco and snape alreafy began running out along with the other deatheaters.i tried follwing draco seeing my freinds on the way.

Soon i was outside.Hagrids hut was on fire and i tried curseing snape but missing every time.snape told draco to keep going as i continued to fail as i tired to curse snape.

I tried mentally to curse him-no luck. Sudenly i held what felt like a million nives stabb into me and i sank to the ground as i herd sfreams that i wasnt sure if they wete coming from me or not.

Snape stops the curse saying im 'the dark lords' then they were gone. Dumbkedore was dead,and draco was gone.a funiral was made for dumbledor with the whole school.....then we were sent home.

End of chapter, by the way im not goimg to wright the whole 7th hook im just going to do the end of the war.

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