chapter 20

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Draco's pov

The quidecth came closer and closer but i couldnt attend,i had to do something i had to kill him.all my plans are failing.

Harry's pov

Draco wasnt at the match.....strage.gryfindor won and i went looking for draco and bumped into him on the way. "Why wernt you at the match?" I asked. "I was uh sick." He fake coffed. "Dont lie to me." I said sternly. "Ill tell you later."

I still had hagrids class so i saw him offten,he was happy that atleast i attended his class.winter was ariving very quickly now. "Draco do you want to go to sirius's house with me for christmas break?" I offered.

"No,i shouldnt indrude."he says. "You wont be intruded,besides i havent told sirius im dateing you." Draco sighed "alright."me and him were niw on the train to sirius's house,ron and hermione were in the campartment to.

Weasley didnt want to be in here,i could tell from his looks but hermione  insisted he be there.i fell asleep on draco's lap as the train went on .

I woke when i herd weasley yelling things. "Shut up im trying to sleep." I groan. The shouting stops but then i could hear weasley storm out of the campartment.Another hour later we arived at sirius's house.

Me and draco walked to the house hand in hand.i was about to knock but then i herd noises. "He's goimg to be here any second."Remus's voice hissed.

i knocked on the door,then herd shuffling feet.the door opened and sirius was there. "Harry you made it." He said hugging  me.Sirius let go then saw draco and froze,looking at him in a confused expresion. "You brought malfoy with you?" He said.

"Yeah," i said "ill tell you about it at dinner." sirius smiled and said okay then i was greeted by Remus.they tild me and draco to unpack our things upstairs  ,so we went into an empty room that me and draco were going to share.

Both of us went down,hand in hand again and sat at the table as keacther came with soup. As i sipped the orange stew sirius spoke up. "So about you two." He said pointing a spoon at both of us.

"We're dateing." I said. Remus choked on his stew and sirius patted him on the back. "For-for how long?" He asked. "About two years." I said. "Well boys i guess i could tell you mine and Remus's new." Sirius said rubbing his hands together.

"Me and Remus are gettig married." Now it was my turn to choke on the stew. "Thats wonderful!" I said once i wasnt chokeing anymore. "Whens the special day?" I ask. "Christmas day."

Draco's pov

I didmt speak for the whole dinner time,once inner was over sirius wated a word with me so harry went upsaurs a i stayed in my chair. "So draco." Sirius said putting hands on my shouders.

"Harry is like a son to me,well hes my god son but thats not the point.If you hurt harry in any way lord voldemart will be the least of your wories." Sirius says.

For fun i say, "what if i fuck him and it hurts him?" Laughter could be herd from the stairs where harry was listining to the conversation.soon remus began laughing,i was trieing very hard not to laugh.

"I could get used to you." Sirius said who had  a smile on his face.i was escused to go to bed and i caught up to and harry went to our room and both of us changed i to our pajamas which was just boxers in that case.

Harry was laying on my chest as i had my arms around him,i had my head burried on the top of his messy head as the door opened and the two older guys were seen.

"You two are sleeping together?" Sirius asks. "Yeah," harry says. "well you two better not fuck okay." Sirius says, "Welk harry there gose our planns." I say sarcasticly.

"Good night." Lupin says. "Good night." Me and harry say in unusion.after the two leave harry snuggles up agenst me. "I love you." I say. "I love you too." Harry says then i fall asleep.

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