chapter 25

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Harry's pov

I didnt see draco much during the war and now the war was over and i was looking foor him through the grounds. No matter where i looked i couldnt find him nore his family.

Hermione told me i should go home and get rest,instead of going to my dads house i went to the malfoys manor,hopeing to see draco there.he was empty.

Maybe his family moved away,maybe he died,maybe he dosnt love me anymore..each thought of him stung.i went up to his room that smelled just like hime.roses.after a few minuets of takeing in his scent i left the manor.

I waited for him for days that turned into weeks,soon months,then years.i would wake up and reach out to the space nect to me onky to relize he was gone.He was gone for 3 years now, and i was slowly forgeting how he looked,most of the scent in his room was gone too.

Since i was 20 i moved out of lupins and sirius's house and git a small two story house for myself.Ron and Hermione are married,ginny preposed to me but i said no.

I wooe up to find myself not im my bed but draco's old one.God damit i fell asleep.i would visit this house every two days for no reason.

I yawned as i got off the bed and headed down stairs,maybe i would stop by the weasleys house today.i reached the door and was about to open it when the door opened on its own.weird-

Looking up i noticed a person looking back at me.i looked like draco or his dad..."harry?" They croaked.definatly thing i know dravo was sqeezing me in a hug.

"What happened to you?" I ask looking at him.his cloths were dirty and ripped,his hair had grown out and was dirtyer than snaps.he looked beat up.when he didnt answer i took his hand and pulled him uP stairs. "Lets get you cleaned up." I said.

As the tub slowly got filled with warm water i took a pair of scissors  and cut draco's hair.the hair felt to the ground creating a mess but what did i care?i had my draco back.

Once his hair was back short i put the scisors down and hugged him around the waist.he was skinnyer than usual too..the water filled to the top and i stoped the rest of tje water from running down.

I helped Draco get his cloths off since he seemed weak and he climbed into the bubbly bath.i took a wash cloth and behan scrubbing his bavk,trying to clean him.

"Where were you?" I asked as i srubbed his neck. "Azkaban.." he said quietly.i stoped scrubbing, "what?!" I exclamed, "they put me in Azkaban," he repeated.well im going to have a word with the ministry.

"Harry are you in here?" I herd hermione call from down stairs. "I'll be right back." I said to draco as i gave him a kiss on the nose and i handed him the wash cloth.

I went out ofthebathroom and down stairs to see Hermione standing by the door. "I couldnt find you at your place." Hermione said as i aproched her. "Im going to stay here for a bit." I said anxious to get back to Draco.

"What?why?" She asked looking confused. "Draco's back." I said. "Really?!where was he?" Hermione asked. "Some idiot put him in azkaban." I said

"Can i see him?" She asked. "He's takeing a bath right now,but were going to stop bY the burrow so maybe then you could see him." I said "oh okay,see you harry.tell draco i said hi." With that Hermione left the manor and i went back up stairs.

Draco looked all clean now,exept his face that had maybe a layer of dirt.i took th wash cloth from his and began wipeing his face until it was as clean as ever.

As i lowered the wash cloth from his face i looked into his eyes.the mixture of blue and grey- i've missed looking at these eyes.after what seemed like a long time i got up. "Im going to get you cloths. " i said before leaving the bathroom  and glimg into his room.

I found him a pair of boxers,socks,a black t-shirt,skiny jeans,and a black hoodie.when i got back to the bathroom he already had a towl around his waist, "Here." I said handing him the cloths, "i'll be down stairs."

Draco came down stairs 10 minuets later fully dressed "where are we going?" He asked. "The burrow,i told molly i would stop by, then we'll go to my place." I said. Both of us aperated to the burrow,we  held hands as we walked twards the house.

I knocked on the door that was opened by ginny, "Hi Harry." She said,ginny noticed Draco and frowned slightly but still let him in to the house. "Harry dear,your just in time for breakfast - Oh hello Draco,come in ,come in dont be shy." Draco squeezed my Hand tighter as he follwed me into the kicthen.

Atthe table was only percy,george,ginny,mrs.weasley,and now us. "Draco when was the last time you ate? Youre as skinny as a stick." Mrs.weasley said as she set down food on the table.

george and Percy both said hi to draco before everyone began eating.I piled a plate full of food in front of draco "eat," i said.he looked blankley at the food. "If you dont start eating i will put the food down your mouth." I said when he didnt eat.

Draco began to eat slowly,putting small peices of egg into his mouth. "Where were you for the three years draco?" George asked. It took draco a second to relize he was talkimg to him,  "oh uh Azkaban." George spit out his coffee which landed on percy.

"Three years?! in there?!" George asked as if he didnt bealive it. Draco nodded his head slowly and continued eating. "Whats this i hear about Azkaban?" Mrs.weasley asked as she came in with a plate full of sauceges. "Draco's been in Azkaban for three years,mum." George said.

"Are your parents still in azkaban?" Mrs.weasley asked. "No," draco said, "theyre dead."  "Im sorry dear." Mrs.weasley said.soon Ron and Hermione came, "see he is here,and you didnt belive me." Hermione said.

"Hi Draco." She said sitting down next to Ginny, "Hi," Ron said sitting next to hermione and draco. "Hi," Draco murmured.after breakfast Draco fell asleep laying on me.

It seemed like a dream.haveing draco back,i put my arms around one is going to take him away was noon now so i shook Draco slightly to wake him up, "do you want to go to my place?" I asked. He nodded his head and i gave him a small kiss on his lips.

5 minutes later we were entering my house,i closed the door behind is as we went up stairs. "You could live here with me." I said as we entered my room. He nodded his head.

He was still tired so we went to bed,at least he did.i was just laying with him holding him close.i eventually fell asleep too and i woke up with Draco already awake.

"Its 5 o'clock." Draco said once he saw i was awake.i put our lips together and warmth spread over my body,i slid my tounge over his bottom lip and he opened his mouth.We fought for dominance and i won,the kiss lasted a lomg time,making up the last three years that i missed with draco.

We pulled away when both of us were short on breath, "i love you. " i said.

"I love you too."

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