chapter 21

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Draco's pov

"Get up." I groaned and rolled over. "Get up!" Harry said again pushing me off the bed. "Ow!" I said even though nothing really hurt. "common youll be late for breakfast." Harry said.

I sat up on the floor,remembering where i was.Harry threw some cloths to me and i put them on.both of us raced down stairs and exedently made the portraite of sirius's mother scream.

"FILTH HALF BREEDS WAIT NO THEREIS A WORTHY PURE BLOOD IN HERE!" Me and harry started laughing ad harry closed the portrait.we walked into the kicthen and saw more people there than expecting.

The weasley's,fluer,tonks,hermione,and some more of the order. "Oh Hello." Harry said sitting down.Alot of the orser was stareing at me as i took a seat next to Harry.

A man i recognized as mad eye moody said "what is ma-" but he was cut off when half the people there said "he's harry's boyfriend." Mad eye closed his mouth.

Mr.and mrs. weasley had their mouths open in shock along with alot of others.We were served a bunch of pancakes and bacon with orange juice and toast. Turns out all these people were here to help decorate the house for the wedding.

After breakfast we had to clean the bloody house which took years,luckly the twins helped out since they were out of school,ron,hermione,and the twins were to clean the living room spotless.

Harry's pov

I guessed draco dosnt do muggle cleaning very offten,he needed help every few minutes and i didnt blame in a manor,he mustve had house elves do it all.

It was atleast the 6th time he needed help now,with the mold scraper.the windows at sirius's were very moldy. I sighed and stood behind him holding his hand which had the scraper in it.

"Like this." I said the i brought his hand to the end if the mold and began trying to pry it off.i vould see why he needed help with this one. "Do you understand now?" I asked him.

He nodded his head and i placed a small kiss on his cheek before returning to scrubing the floor next to be honest i missed him as a freind,i didnt like ignoreing him all the time and being mean to him.

"hey Ron," i said as i scrubbed dirt off the floor. "Hmm?" He asked. "Sorry about,well you know." I said.Ron stopped scrubing as if proccesing what i said,i went on. "I cant stand being mean to you,we were best freinds since we met."

Ron continued scrubbing. "Dont apologize," he said. "Im the one who should be sorry,and i am sorry.i shouldve thought about it rather than jumping into a conclusion.will you forgive me? " he asked.

"Hmm no." I said. He looked at me shocked. "Im just jokeing of course i forgive you." Ron sprayed  water at me. "Hey!" I said spraying him back.soon we made a bigger mess with water and we were hideing laughs from mrs.weasly as we cleaned it up.

Years latet, (not really) we were finally done cleaning and we werr allowed to be free for a while.we were allowed to go out side surprisingly and we had a bunch of snow ball fights.

At one point i slipped on ice and fell right on top of face heated up,draco smirked and pressed our lips together.

Sirius's pov

I wacthed Hsrry and the others play, well snowball fight,me and remus had bets of who would be the next to get hit.our scores was lupin:13 sirius:12.i wacthed as Harry slipped and fell right on top of the blondie.

Harry's face got a pink tint on it then draco put their lips was a long kiss that broke when fred yelled "get a room." Harry looked up at him laughing,he was siting on draco (who was stull on the ground) with his knesse on either side of him.

Harry threw a snowball at fred who turned it into snow speckles.He turned back to his boyfreind and again put there lips together.last night i stayed by their door for a few minutes makeing sure they dont frickle frackle,all i herd was draco say 'i love you,' and harru reply in 'i love you too.'

I looked at the scene in front of me,sort of in a daze until someone tapped me on my shoulder.i turned around and was greeted by remus's lips on mine.

Harry's pov

We went inside when all of us were chilled to the bone.Ginny made all of us some green tea to warm us up since we would have to begin cleaning again soon.

As i sat waiting for my tea to cool down so i could drink it without burning my tounge,draco had his arm around my waist makeing me warm.

Draco's pov

I looked pathetic cleaning,all my work sucked and i had to do it again to perfect it.around 7:40 we had dinner,mashed potatoes,salad,butterbeer,and pickles.ron and the twins shared a room in the house,hermione and ginny shared a room,and mr,mrs weasley got their own room while every one else left home for the night.

I was back in the bed with Harry soon,after tomarrow was the big day for the two maurders.i was happy for my aunt's neice (sirius) and remus,they seemed so happy together,just like me and harry.

His back faced me as i had him in a hugging position with my head burried into his neck.he was snoring lightly as i driffted off into a dreamless sleep.

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