chapter 13

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Harry's Pov

It was finally time to get to hogwarts.the weaslys and i (with sirius in his dog form) went to the train and soon enough we got their.

As i walked into the etation i spotted draco,too bad he was with his mom and dad.he turned for a second and caught my eye , smiling lightly.i prety much melted right their,i loved his smile.i loved him.

The train whistle blew and i ran onto the train. Ron and hermione had prefect duties so i was left to find a compartment.

I found an empty one and sat down after putting my lugage away.i looked out the window as the train began moving and sirius ran after the train until it made the sharp turn.

I sat back in my seat and before i knew it i fell asleep.when i woke  the train was still moving but it was dark in the room. I knoticed someone sitting by me and i jumped until i relized it was Draco.

Before i could say hi or anything he locks our lips.I HAD BEEN WAITING 4 MONTHS FOR THIS PEOPLE!4 MONTHS!

I could feel little firworks as he licjed my bottom lip and i opened my mouth letting him in. We fought for dominance,our tounges were like danceing to the tango,he won and he explored my mouth.

There was a knock on the door and draco right away jumped to the opisite seeat as far away from me as posibly.

As he did that i wiped some saliva off my mouth and then the compartment door opened.It was Cho Chang. "Hi Cho." I said almost slurring.Draco was like alcohol to me,adickting.

"Hi harry!" She squeaked.cho looked by her were Drsco was sitting.she looked at him in discust then back at me. "I just wanted to say Hi." She said before leaving.

After she left i said "good thing you covered the window." Draco gave me one last quick kiss then left back to the slytherin compartment.

The train stopped 15 minuets later and we went to hogwarts where the feast began.

******two days later*******

I walked out of umbridges office with my hand stinging    i must not tell lies..

As i walked out tue door i bumped into a specific someone and fell over. "Hey wacth were you-oh hi Harry." The unmistakable voice of Draco said.

"Hey draco." i said smileing as i helped him pick up his things then handing them to him. "Thanks," he said.before i kept walking to the commmon room i said "Saturday ROR (room of requirements)"

Saturday was only two days away.the classes this year sucked.expecaly DATDA with stupid umbridge.

The days went by superr sloely and then finally it was saturday.i went to the ROR,Draco wasnt there yet so i disided to just take a nap on the couch.

Draco's pov

I came into the room and looked around for harry.He was on a green couch fast asleep like on the train. I go over to him and with my thought the couch turns to a bed so i could lay by him.

I poke harry over and over again until he muters "cut it out."  "Wake up scar face." I say and he opens one eye.the first thing he notices is not me but that the bed is a couch. "What the [insert swear word of your choice]" he says.

"Oh good you're finally awake." I say going on top of him and kissing him.

Harry's P0v

Draco slides his hand up under my shirt and i feel uncomfortable right away.i wriggle a little trying to get to a comfortable spot but it dosnt come.

He's about to take my shirt of but i try keeping it down.he wins and take's it off throwing it aside.he begans kissing me again whilebtrying to take my pants off.

My body gose it full panick mode and i begin sweating. "Draco,stop." I say from the uncomfortable feeling.he keeps going unziping them. "Draco!" I say trying to stop him.

He uses one hand to pin my arms above my head as he heart starting beating so fast i thought it might crash out of my chest.

"Draco stop." I say again my voice shaky,the memory came back and i panicked more.he already sliped my pants off. "Dr-MALFOY STOP!" i yell a little to harshly at him.tears were forming in my eyes,i didnt want to repeat the memory.

"I-I was raped i dont want to do this." I say the tears falling. Draco looks at me wide eyed, "y-ou were-what?" He asks " my uncle." I said quietly as the tears fell down.i hid my face from draco not wantig him to see me.

~~~~~~~~~~~THE MEMORY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-age 8

i sat in my cupboard ,my uncle said i was going to stay in  my  cupboard for a year.i really didnt do was dudley who did it.

Dudley set his room on fire and i was blamed for it.since most of upstairs was burt Petunia and dudly were going on a small  vacation as the house got cleaned.

Mean while me and my uncle were to stay.

"Get over here Boy!" Veron yelled to me from the only unburt room. I scrammbled out of my closet and went into the room,knocking before i entered.

"Get in here." He said angrly.i quickly got in closeing the door behind me.i notided what he was wearing.nithing but underwear. FWI not a pretty sight, i had a hard time keeping my face straight. "Yes uncle?" I asked.

He looked at me then growled "get on the bed." A bit confused i sat on the bed corner.

Third person vewi

"You burnt down half of this hou-" "I didnt do it!it was dudley.he was playing with macth-"
"silence." The uncle growled makeing harry shut his mouth. "As i was saying,you burnt the house now you'll be punished."

'A whooping,' harry thought. His uncle grabed him by the shoulder and turned him around.Hsrry felt his pants and underwear go down. He was expecting  a belt or something but instead he felt something jab into him causing him to yell out and grab the bed sheets messing up the bed.

"AHH!" he screamed in pain. "S-STOP IT!" he kept screaming but the uncle didnt seem to care as he thrusted into the (very) underage boy.

Tears began flooding Harry's vision as he hoplessly tried to get away.the man moaned as he let go into the child scaring him for life. Veron went out of Harry.

"Get out of here before i do it again. " veron snapped. Harry who already put his cloths back on took one step and fell over. "NOW!And if ypu telk anyone about this i will Kill you." yhe man yelled.

Harry ignored the Pain in his hip and ran as fast as he could to his cupboard.

~~~~~~~~~~~end of memory~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Why didnt you tell me?" Draco asked. "It never came up." I said trying to wipe the tears away. " gave me a blow job." He said.

"Thats diffrent." I was diffrent,i never saw my uncles thing so the Blowjob didnt affect me the kind of way.

"Im sorry." Draco said hugging me tightly.i was about to say 'its okay' but then i remembered it was not okay.




Love you guys.

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