chapter 15

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Draco's pov

My parents listed the dozens of places where harry cant be in the maner.i was to take care of him which i was glad to do.

Since it was about 1 in the morning i was told to go to bed.i checked on Harry who was already asleep,his glasses were still on his he exhailed he made a strand of hair move upwards the back down.

I took his round glasses off him and set them on the small wooden desk beside the bed.takeing one last look at him,i turned out the lights and left the father told me to lock his bedroom door and i did so,putting the bronze key into the key hole and turning it.

There was a faint click then i took the key out and put it back behid a emerald green vase with black roses in dad had put a silencing spell on his room for whatever purpose,he also did a spell to lock his window shut and to make the glass unbrakeable.

He was pretty much stuck in there.

I muffled a yawn with my hand as i enteted to my fine anoyyed me that everything had to be either green,Black,grey, or silver.

Pushing the annoyance away i face 9lanted into my very soft bed and fell asleep.

Harry's Pov

When i woke up i had to take a minute to remember where i was. The malfoys vision was blurry as i searched for my glasses and foujd then on a small wooden table.i dont remember takeing my glasses off.

I didnt know if i was supossed to go out of the room.I tryed the door knob but of course it was locked.i disided to play a little trick on the malfoys,i still had my cloak.

As i put it on the door clicked open and Draco opned the door holding a tray.he stared confused at the empty room.

He set the tray on the desk."eat your breakfast harry." He says.i take the cloak off. "How did you know?"i ask. "How else would i not be able to see you?" "I see your point." I say.draco gives me a small kiss on the lips, "after you finish eating meet me in the library.first floor near the kicthen which is on the left.wear your cloak you dont want to be caught walking around."

With that he leaves me to eat some eggs and orange juice.after i fish i slip on my cloak and begin going down stairs.i finally find the kicthens then see a door that was labled library.

I enter the room but i dont take off my cloak untill i see Draco hovering over some type of book.he seemed to be to into the book to notice me as i walk over to him.since he didnt notice me i bent down by his ear "whacha reading?" I ask he jumps from surprise and falls out of his chair.

"Hey!" He says as i start laughing.i help him up, "so whaha reading?" I ask trying to get a look at the cover but he picks it up and hides it. "Just some muggle book."  "Leme see." I say he gets the book out of reach but me being a quidicth player jumped up and got it. I read the title "50 shades of grey!"

The next 10 mineuts was draco trying to shut me up as i laughed rolling on the ground.

As i wrote this im like hey what if he reads 50 shades of grey? So i sat laughi b as i wrote this.sorry its soo short(muffled laughter) i might update again today tho.

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