chapter 22

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Harry's pov

The next day went by slowly with a lot of decorateing and i was puting some uncomfortable black suit,the wedding would start in 1 hour.guests werr already ariveing at grimerald place.

It was as if it was the yule ball again,exspt two guys were getting was Christmas day so after the ceromony the presents would be given out.

Draco was weaing a very dark green suit,he was oddly handsome in it.after both of us were dressed we went down stairs hand im hand,we had to pass several unknown people that mustve been invited by sirius or remus.

We found ron,hermione,the twins,and ginny all sitting on a couch. There was only one spot left on the couch,the problem was solved quickly wi th me sitting on Draco's lap,makeing ginny look slightly jelous.

"What we talking about?" I asked as drwco put his hands around my waist. "Fred and george's new iteam for their joke shop." Ron said handing me a bottle of ink. "What dose it do?" I asked lookimg at the bottle.

"Dip your finger in it." Fred said. I hesitatendly put my finger in the ink then take it out. I could feel the ink turning into rubber on my finger.

"Nice," i said giving the botle back to ron and peeling the ink of my hand.draco put his chin on my shoulder as i talked to the weasleys and Hermione.

The room slowly empried until it was just us left. "Lets fo all of you,you'll be late for the ceromony!" Mrs.Weasley said as she left the room.

The seven of us stood up and followed molly into the living room that was tranceformed into a larger room.the ceromony lasted about half an hour,sirius and remus were now Mr. And Mr. Lupin since sirius didn't like being part of the Blacks family.

Presents were handed out as me and Draco sat in the kicthen eating sweets.Sirius and Remus came up to me smileing. "Harry," sirius said. "We didnt get you a christmas gift,but.We're adopting you." He said.i froze looking at them with my mouth open.

"Are you serious?" I asked once i got my voice back, "yes!" Sirius said. "But you can always keep your Last name Potter."sirius added.i was speachless,i would finally be moving out of the drusleys house.

A reaction didnt come out of me,i just sat their with my mouth open. "T-Thats great!" I finally choked out.they smiled said 'merry christmas!' Then some people i didnt know came to talk to them.

  A letter was sent to the drusleys saying i was moving out and telling them that remus would be over with me to get my stuff.

Draco's pov

Harry was away gettig his things as i was with sirius alone,it was rhe day after christmas and their wedding.Me and harry would have to go to school tomarrow.

I was helping sirius clean up from the  wedding, it wasnt that dirty it just had a lot of decorations.we talked about random things and soon Harry and his new dad came with Harry's stuff.

While remus and Sirius were doing something down staurs i helped harry unpack in his new didnt take long to unpack since he barley had anything  and when we were done we sat on Harry's bed.

There was a short silence that was broken when Harry put our lips together,i kissed him back as he wrapped his arms around my neck pulling me closer.

Harry leaned in so much that i fell backwards onto the bed,Harry put his hands on either side of my face turned slightly red and harry smirked then locked our lips.i could feel his hand travle up my shirt his hand reached mynipple and he began rubbing it makeing me moan.

He took the chance and slipped his tounge in my mouth.he broke the kiss for a split second so he could take my shirt off which was  long sleaved.My ha ds and chest were bare exept the lelft arm which had been wrapped up for improtant reasons.

Harry began kissing,biteing,and sucking on anypart of my skin he could find leaving me several hickeys.i began ecthing his shirt off and soon i swiftly took it off him.

He went back to kissing my lips as he began to take my pants off leaving me naked exept  my boxers.i did the same to him so both of us only were wearing boxers.

I flipped us over so i was on top of Harry,i began kissing his body and stoping when i was infront of his dark red boxers.i pulled out his already hard member and kissed the tip getting a moan from harry,i put it into my mouth and began sucking it up and down getti jg more moans from Harry.

It didnt taste like anything in particular, just sweat.Harry put a hand to my hair pushing  my head more down and i almost choked.i could hear the door open then shut right  away with a slam.

"Boys," the voice of remus says, "yeah?" Harry replies with my mouth still on his dick. "I thought you might want to know lunch is ready." Remus says.

"We'll be down in a minute." Harry says.he removes his hand off my head and i give his member a last small bite that makes Harry  moan.

I take my mouth off it leaving a string of saliva thats conected to my mouth which i wipe with my hand.Harry gives me a kiss on my nose the he gets up to get dressed.

Both of us walk down staura quietly not to wake the portrait of sirius's mom.My hickies were visible on my neck as we sat down. Sirius's eyes travled to them then he looked at remus who gave him a 'i told you so' look.

"There's something on your neck draco." Sirius said "the work of Harry i supose." He says.Both me and Harry turn bright red and stay like that for the rest of the meal.

As me and Harry were about to leave the table sirius said  "No fucking." "A Blow job isnt fucking." harry said. "No that either." Sirius added pointing a finger at Harry. "Okay." Harry said as we continued to go to his room.

Harry's pov

"what am i supossed to do with these hickies?" Draco asked while looking in the mirror. "Let them show," i said "so they'll all knkw youre mine." I added putting my hands around his waist. He kept standing there looking at them so i began makeing him a new one on the other side of his neck.

It took him a while to figure out what i was doing,but he caught on when he saw his skin becomeing pink. "Hey!" He says turning atound so i cant finish,i give him an inoccent smile.

We went to bed after that,we would use floo powder to get back to school tomarrow.i was laying on top of draco as we slept,i fell asleep quickly as i listened to his heart beat and the breath he took.

I woke when there was a knocking on our door. "Comein." I said still half asleep. I couod here the door open. "Wakey, wakey." The voice of sirius said. I groaned and turned over puting my face on Draco's bare chest.

Sirius opened the curtains causeing all the light to stream into my room. "Comon,Get up." Sirius said shakeing my shoulder then walking out the door.

Groaning again i lift myself up and sit back on Draco's lap.He was rubbing his eyes with the hand that was bandaged. "What happened to your arm?" I ask. "What do you mean?" He said still full of sleep. "Your arm is covered in a bandage..why?" I ask.

He seemed to wake up fully now. "I-i- fell and broosed it up badly." He was ovoiusly lying. "What if i took the bandage off?" I said, he shrugs. "Can i take it off?" I ask leaning closer so i was face to face with him.

Draco didnt reply so i picked up his left arm but he quickly took it away. "Ill show you later." He said. Why would he hide something on his arm? Unless he was a-no he cant be. But his dad is one..

I gave him a kiss on the nose then i got off him so he could get up.we walked to breakfast where sirius and remus had made toast and oatmeal,we would leave to school at noon. 3 hours from now.

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