Chapter 3

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Harry's  POV

Hermione and Ron didnt understand my happynes of what happened,they didnt even know it happened.i was thankfull mrs.weasly didnt buy me a dress thing like rons,it looked like one of ginny's old dresses.

During classes i would cacth Malfoy sneaking peeks at me,every time i caught him i would get a fuzzy feeling in my stomach and i got a strong urdge to kiss him,to touch him,to be by him.

Draco's POV

during the afternoon i was hanging around my favorite tree with one of my Hufflepuff freinds lauren Black.

Yes it might seem weird but lauren black was just simply every ones freind.she had long red hair,you can talk to her about anything at all and she would listen carfully while eating a cupcake.

She dosnt judge anyone at all so it was safe to talk to her about something like this with out it spilling like rain around the school.

"He likes you,why else would he ask you." Lauren says while takeing a bite into the cupcake.

"How can he like me? We've been enimies since first year" i said.

It was very confusing to me, lauren shrugged "everything has a reason." I glared at her as she took another bite of her cupcake. "Why are you staring at me?" She asked "is it beacuse i am the only one eating a cupcake?"

I shook my head with a smile creeping up on my face.some of the simplest things that come from her become funny.

"Just relax,one day you'll both love eachther and make babies." Laruen said then stoped when she relized she said the other part out loud.


Harry's Pov

I got this twin girl to go to the ball with me,i tried to keep a plesent face on but i barly could beacuse she wasnt Malfoy.

The great hall was changed into a stunning ballroom.i had the to dance with the girl about two times until i disided to go find Malfoy.

Just then i remembered the note he gave me, he told me to open it only when i was going to look for him durning the ball.

I took out the sheet of paper and read it,

Meet me by the tree closest to the exit . During the ball.

Folding the paper and puting it in my pocket,i began walking twards the exit and got out with out somebody stoping me.

Closest tree to the exit.

I found the closest tree wich was thick and barley had any leaves.As i aprouched the tree i herd a familiar hushed whisper "Potter?"

"Yeah its me." I said.draco was stitting with his back to the tree, i looked up at his face,oh those lips i want to kiss soo badly!

"What are we doing outside?" I asked sitting next to him, "i dont want any one seeing us." Draco said plainly as i nodded my head.

Hermione's POV

I was dizzy from danceing so i disided to find ron and Harry and talk with them for a while."Hey ron were is Harry?" I asked.

Ron shrugged. Weird,he's always by ron.i found his date but she said he ditched her.i got worried.did somthing go wrong?i went to the exit and peered around.

It was dark and i could scarcely see a thing.then on the far left corner i could see two figures...two figures that looked like they were kissing...........!!!!

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