The most important day in a kids life!

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3rd POV:

Izuku Midoriya is a 4 year old child and today was the day he would finally found out what his quirk was. Like every 4 year old kid, Izuku was very excitedfor it. In the world where he lives in everyone was born with a unique quirk. Although there was this small percentage of quirkless people, they were mostly born in the older generation. 

Inko Midoriya and Hisashi Midoriya were both lovely parents. They loved their son very deeply. However Hisashi Midoriya was not the typical husband. He was a thief and murderer. Inko Midoriya his second wife didn't know about his past life. All she knew was the caring and loving man she married 4 years ago. Little did she know that he had another wife and son nor did she know about his second life.

Today was Izukus 4th bithday and as it is common in their society, the boy had a doctor's appointment to see what his quirk would be.

Hisashi's POV:

Today was Izuku's birthday and Inko my lovely wife prepared a special breakfast for him. We also had some plans for the evening too. We wanted to take him out to a nice place. A couple of days ago when I was doing my work and stole some jewellery from a shop, I came across this hero coffee. I knew that my son loved All Might and the heroes. This was one of the best places to take him to for his birthday. Once I told Inko about the coffee we both knew we would book a table there after his doctors appointment. So I made the reservation a couple of days in prior and told them to prepare a birthday cake.

I woke up by the beautiful and tasty smell of my wifes cooking. It was not hard to guess what she was making from the smell of it alone. Bacon with eggs and noodles. It was something Izuku really loved to eat in the morning.

Me: Morning my love!

I went behind her and hugged her giving her a kiss on her cheek before letting her go.

Me: It smells delicious!

Inko: Morning Darling! Say can you go wake go and get our birthday boy up please? Breakfast will be ready in about 10 minutes.

Me: On it.

Just like that I went upstairs of the house we owned and to his room. Knocking at the door, I couldn't hear any respond from him. So I just went ahead and entered.

Me: Izuku?

He was still fast asleep on the bed.

Me: Izu?

Still no response. He was really enjoying his sleep too. I felt bad waking him up. However we needed to eat breakfast and then go to the doctors appointment together since my wife told me she couldn't get the day off.

Me: Come on, Izu! Wake up!

I went to his bed side and slightly began shaking him awake.

Izuku: hmm... sleep .....

Me: Don't you know which day today is?

Izuku: No... I wanna sleep.

Me: But today is a very special day.

Izuku: My birthday!

That woke him up completly. Not only that but he basically jumped off the bed and fell down if I didn't caught him first.

Izuku: It's my birthday dad!

Me: Yep. Good morning sunshine!

Izuku: Good moning dad!

Me: Now come on, let's get ready for our appointment. We don't want to be late,right?

Izuku: Nuh-uh! A hero is never late!

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