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Aizawa's POV:

Mic: Still thinking about it?

Me: Yeah...

Midnight: Thinking about what?

I was currently in the teacher's office and was preparing for my next lesson meaning getting some coffee and my sleeping bag. While I was doing that something white caught my eyes from outside of the window. It was a albino bird. White wings like the kids one. If he hadn't been there that night then I would be dead by now.

3 years ago, I was ambushed while taking care of a woman in need in an alley and I got stabbed by the sharp quirk of one of the persons there. It hit me in a bad spot and I would have bled out then and there if that kid didn't used his quirk on me. After that I insisted to bring him home.

There fere actually two reasons for that. The first one being that he reminded me of a small kid I saved once or more like tried to calm down and get away from his dead parents. His eyes and his hair color were the same not to mention these freckles. It was a very sad story and I hoped that I was wrong. I wanted to see if he had a save home after walking the street in the middle of the night.

The other reason was that I wanted to know where he lived. He saved my life and I would be damned if I couldn't return the favor or at least visit him again and give him my hero card so that he could contact me if he needed any help.

However, the moment we were at his front door, the people opening the door looked really nice and they were worried about him so there was no need to worry about any abusive home for that night. Though there was one thing that didn't fit into the picture and the feeling that I could have done something haunted me until this day.

His parents were happy to see him even worried but no one questioned the blood on him and then there was him backing away from their hugs. It sends a red flag to my brain but I dismissed it that night as them being in shock. I was young and foolish. By now I know it better!

I tried visiting him after that day just 3 days later but he was just gone. The family told me that he was an orphan and that he wasn't the right one for them so they gave him back. Naturally I tried to get more information like his name, age and the orphanage but they refused to tell me that and moved away the same day.

Mic: Sho was saved 3 years ago by a kid that looked like an angel.

Midnight: Ohh I want to meet that kid.

Me: I don't know where he is.

Midnight: What do you mean?

Me: He is an orphan and they gave him away and moved. There is no information about him and I haven't found out where he is yet.

Midnight: Why not ask Nezu then?

Mic: You crazy! He will need to offer his sole to that Satan!

Nezu: You summoned me?

The moment Nezu spoke up from besides them both Midnight and Mic jumped into the air and away from him. I on the other hand saw him come in and just stand there and listen to what we have to say. Though I was sure he loved to just scare his staff.

Mic: Nezu!

Midnight: ... How much did you hear?

Nezu: Oh why? Everything! Now do tell me about this kid?

I saw his eyes sparkle with interest and I knew that something was not right there. There were absolutely no reasons for him to be so excited about it.

Me: Why are you so interested in him?

Nezu: Did he perhaps had white wings, emerald green eyes and a forest greenish black hair?

Me: Yes.

Mic: How do you know that?

Nezu: Simple. That person saved my life just 1 year ago.

Me: ...


Midnight: NO WAY!

Nezu: It is true but I was not able to find him ever since. He is good in hiding, that I must say.

Mic: If he says that then there is no way you will find him Sho!

Me: That is not the reason you came here, is it?!

Nezu: No. There is a new vigilante going around and Tsukauchi just contacted me saying he needed help. I did offer your help and told him you would do it.

Me: *sigh* Don't even get a say in this...

Nezu: No. That poor man is at the end of his wits with that person. Apparently, he loves to play around with them and hack into their systems.

Me: Can't you just backtrack him?

Nezu: No. I tried doing this and he did make a trap for me. The surprising part is that there was a hiden trap I didn't see. To cut out the technical parts, Power Loader is currently trying to fix the mess.

Midnight: Ohh that's why we had a blackout earlier this week?

Nezu: Unfortunately yes.

Mic: Huh... Never thought someone could actually make a trap for you and get away with it.

Nezu: Me neither but needless to say that this is very intriguing and I would like to see that vigilante personally.

Me: Any information about him?

Nezu: He calls himself Azrael.

Me: The angel of death and a fallen angel too.

Nezu: Quite the name for a vigilante, isn't it?

Me: ...

Mic: Angel of death?

Midnight: Sounds more like a villain name to me.

Nezu: Azrael was an angel that is now considered a fallen angel. You can put it like this: The person wanted to be a hero but couldn't and is now dwelling on the darker side as a vigilante.

Mic: Ohh now the name makes some sense.

Me: Quirk? Age? Gender?

Nezu: Unkown as of now. No one has seen him in person either but Tsukauchi will tell you more about this after school in your appointment.

Me: *Sigh* Mic you take over my class!

With that I took the whole coffee jug I made and went back to my corner and below my teaches desk in my sleeping back with coffee on my side. I didn't care what they were talking about afterwards, I was just tired of knowing I had to go after a vigilante.

Azrael  (Vigilante Deku)Where stories live. Discover now