What to do with a sleeping angel?

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Tsukauchi's POV:

I was dead...


After I put Azrael on the couch of my office, I went out to get him something warm to drink since he felt really cold. Once I went to the break room, every single one of my officers were looking at me.

Me: What?

Officer 1: We are just soo happy to see you being alive.

Me: Yeah... What a shock... Where is the sniper?

Officer 2: Sansa is taking care of him right now.

Me: Good.

Officer 3: How is Azrael?

Me: I don't know but it looks like they might overused their quirk.

I hated it. Even though I was so close to the vigilante I still didn't know anything about them. If I needed to guess I would say I would have had a boy that was roughly 12 or 10 years old. That sounded so unrealistic that it felt hard accepting it. A kid was doing vigilante work and they were even better than any of us trained police officer.

If I am correct then the vigilante is still a boy...

Why would a boy do something like this?

What about his parents?

Does he even have some?

Where is he living?

No wonder he was so thin and light....

Officer 4: Is there anything we can do?

Me: Does anyone have a blanket?

Officer 1: I have one. I'll get it.

Me: Thank you.

I watched him leave the break room, while I went ahead and started to prepare some coffee and tea. After I finished that I saw the officer come to me with a blanked and giving it to me. It wasn't long that I was back in my office only to find the angel sleeping.

Me: This must have costed you a lot of energy... Thank you for saving me and brining me back to life!

I put the tea and the coffee on the table and went to the vigilante. However, the moment I placed the blanked over the small person, I slightly touched him only to find out that he was ice could to touch.

He had his wings around his body wrapped up like a blanked and I was sure that he was trying to warm himself up.

Me: Kid...

Seeing as a tea might help warming him up, I began slightly to shake him but I got no respond at all.

Me: Azrael?

I tried again and again nothing.

Me: What do I do with you? I can't just call a medic... Wait I can! Aizawa!

There was a reason that Aizawa and Nezu never told me anything about Azrael and I had a feeling that the reason was that he saved their lives too.

I quickly took out my phone and gave Aizawa a call. It was already late and I didn't have the mental capacity to call Nezu. That rat would have put way too much question on my head.

Aizawa: Why are you calling me in the middle of the night? AGAIN I need to add.

Me: I have Azrael in my room.

Aizawa: YOU HAVE WHO?!

Me: Calm down! You are starting to sound like you husband.

Aizawa: I am coming over.

Me: I just-

. . .

Did he just hang up on me?!

Come one this is rude even for you!

And I just wanted to ask you what I do about this...

Guess I should go prepare another cup of coffee.

time skip brought to you by a cat running around with the full moon high up in the sky.

I had a complete jar of pure black coffee on the table and was waiting for my good old friend and pro hero Eraserhead to come. Lucky for me, I didn't have to wait for long as the door to the room was suddenly burst open and he walked rather quickly over the sleeping angel.

Aizawa: How is he?

Me: I would say good but he is for sure suffering some quirk drawbacks.

Aizawa: You know about his quirk?

Me: Healing quirk? Yes. He saved me once and brought me back to life the other time. He for sure has quite the unique quirk.

Aizawa: You died?

Me: Yep.

Aizawa: How?

Me: Sniper. There is apparently a huge bounty put on my head. Someone want's me dead.

Aizawa: So, the bullet hit you and the kid healed you.

Me: So, he is a kid after all.

Aizawa: Yes.

Me: Let's leave it at that. I don't want to know more about him as I already know.

Aizawa: good.

Me: So, do you have any suggestion on what to do?

Aizawa: I'll take him with me.

Me: You gonna take him with you? How?

Aizawa: The same way you brought him in.

Me: *Sigh* Looks like we need to delete some more CCTV footage.

Aizawa: Oh now you are helping him?

Me: How can't I after he saved my life twice.

Aizawa: I'll tell Nezu about the bounty.

Me: I am sure he already knows.

Aizawa: Probably but not that Azrael is involved.

Me: True.

Aizawa: Well I'll leave everything to you and take him with me..

Me: Wait. Don't you want any coffee.

Aizawa: Black?

Me: As black as it can get.

Aizawa: Good.

I watched the hero go over to the table take the jar and chuck the liquid down his throat before taking the kid and leaving me back alone in the office.

Me: *Sigh* What a night....

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