Some good time together!

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The moment I came back and landed on the rooftop of the LOV, I saw Shiggy waiting there for me.

Shiggy: Welcome back Titan.

Me: Ahm I can explain Fairy.

Shiggy: Sensei informed me already about what happened.

Me: How did he know?

Shiggy: Sensei has a quirk where he can see anyone if he is holding something form you.

Me: From me? What does he have form me?

Shiggy: Your baby blanket. Your mother left it behind and Sensei kept it.

Me: Oh...

Shiggy: Anyways let's go down.

Me: Okay.

Shiggy: You didn't get hurt by these NPC's?

Me: No.

Shiggy: Good if they did I would have gone there and destroyed them all.

Me: Please tell me Sho-chan hasn't planned anything stupid yet.

Shiggy: You want me to lie to you, titan?

Me: ahm no.

Shiggy: Then I can't say that.

Me: Ohh god.

We both than went ahead and walked back into the bar and into the bar area.

Toga: Oh what a nice uniform.

Naturally every single one of the LOV member as well as well as Hawks and Dabi and Sho-chan The moment I came in, I immediately went to Sho-chan or more like hug tackled him as he began spinning me and burry his head in the crock of my neck as well as leave a kiss mark on my neck behind.

Me: Sho-chan?

Sho-chan: Never disappear like that again.

Me: But Sho-chan it wasn't even my fault.

Hawks: The uniform really suits you.

Dabi: Agree.

Me: ahm guys can I get at least a change of clothes?

Shoto was still holding me close to him and not letting me escape or go away.

Me: Sho can you let go of me?

Sho-chan: No.

Toga: Aww they are soo cute!

Hawks: I agree.

Dabi: Well better this way rather than what my little brother planed out to get out little phoenix back.

Me: Huh? Sho-chan what is he talking about?

Sho-chan: Ohh nothing.

Hawks: Pfff you mean burning UA to the ground is nothing?

Me: Fire? You mean you would use your fire?

Dabi: That what he said.

Me: So, you finally accepted your fire side?

Shoto: NO but I would use it to get you out.

Me: Sho-chan how many times do I need to tell you that your flames are beautiful.

Shoto: Only you and my brother think that way.

Toga: Oh no, I think it's nice too.

Shiggy: Fire and Ice titan, still a good combination if you ask me.

Kurogiri: They are as beautiful as your brothers' blue ones.

Me: See they all think they are nice too!

Sho-chan: Thank you.

Kurogiri: Now back to the topic. You wanna go to UA?

Me: Should I?

Hawks: Yes and you are! I did put you in as a recommendation student.

Dabi: And I put you in little brother.

Hawks: Well surprise!

Me: Huh... HUH!!!!

Sho-chan: If I am with him, I am fine.

Me: NONONONO! You do realize when you put me in that I'll be staying on school ground right?

Hawks: Yep and we all came to the conclusion that you would be much saver there.

Toga: I'll miss you Izu-chan!

Me: We will see each other again! This isn't a good by and I am also not going away or die. So stop sounding like I am about to do that.

Toga: But I won't be able to see you... OUTCH!

I saw Dabi hitting her over her head.

Dabi: Stop it.

Toga: Why would you do that?

Dabi: Because you still will be able to see him. Kurogiri can always get him over.

Toga: Ohh yeah you're right!

Me: So ahm do the teachers know about me being enrolled?

Hawks: Nope.

Me: So, you made sure that only Nezu knows?

Hawks: I asked him specifically to hold the information for himself.

Me: You are the best big brother!

I went to Hawks and immediately hugged him. He was my brother but the moment I hugged him, Shoto came over to us and kinda forced me to let go and hug him instead saying Mine. It was cute and all but I knew he was just threatening my own brother.

Dabi: Don't you dare threaten my chicken!

Sho-chan: Than make sure he doesn't get to close to my angel!

Dabi: He is his brother as I am yours.

Sho-chan: I don't care!

After that I spend the rest of the time I had until school started as Azrael in the night and the rest of it I spend together with Sho-chan and the LOV. We had a lot of fun going to abandoned placed exploring them like an abandoned bowling station and we played there or a haunted house where I managed to scare everyone with a little bit of white paint.

All in all, my time with the LOV and my grandfather was one of the best times I had.

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