Is that how you thank me?

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After parting with Shoto I quickly went flying back to this guy. He was ready to jump back then and I hoped I could be there before he already committed his attempt.

Please let me make it in time!


As I was souring through the sky, I did my best thing to be there in time. However as I was coming closer, I saw the guy using his quirk and making some blue flames around him. Not only that but he began to let himself fall while being surrounded in his own flame.

Me: NO!

Now all I could do was try and catch him. However there was still a good distance in between us. I used every single technique I learned while being in the hero commission trainings area to speed up and get the guy. My speed was incredible and I was sure that I could keep up with Hawks if not be even faster than him and this moment was prove for that. As I was no coming closer to the guy, I stretched my hand out to grab him.

Unfortunately he used his flames to let himself be surrounded even more by them. There was no way I could come close to him without harming myself. If I knew one thing from my quirk then it was that I couldn't heal myself at all. My body adapts way easier to any kind of situation but I can't simply heal myself. Burns and fallen feathers were a big no go for me. This was the reason why I backed away trying to find an angel to grab him but failed.

Me: Please let me save you!

He didn't reply nor did he had too. I knew that there was no chance of saving him but yet there was nothing I wanted to do more. The moment I said that he was already way to close to the ground and in the next moment he hit the pavement below him and his flames vanished leaving an injured body with a lot of blood.

Me: NO!

Not a second after hearing that thumb, I was down and kneeling beside him after his flames vanished.

You can't die!



This isn't a way to escape things!

Please Touya!

Even with his scared I knew who this guy was. His flames gave him away. This was Touya Todoroki, the one and only guy that supposedly killed himself 5 years ago.

I was on my knees looking at him. He didn't looked alive to me but I had still hope that he was. Being naive and foolish as I was I touched his bloody chest and began using my quirk on him. It took everything I had to stay awake. I could feel the energy all around me and I felt a sudden surge of pure coldness.

Touya: *GASP!*

My focus was on the man laying there before me. The moment he suddenly sat up was also the moment I screamed, backed away and fell down. It surprised me soo much that I couldn't help myself. He was after all dead or looked like that to me.

Me: Thank goodness!

Touya: I.. am... alive?

He looked shocked and started to pat himself as if to check if he was really alive or if that was all a dream.

Me: Yes.

Touya: HOW?

Me: I ahm.... I saved you.

Touya: You damn bastard! Why did you do that?

You know... normally people go like thank you. It was a big mistake. I would never do this again... bla bla bla!

And what do you do?

You jump up, grab me by my collar and scream at me?!

Is this the thanks for saving your damn ass?!

Azrael  (Vigilante Deku)Where stories live. Discover now