Return of the glitter cloud!

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The moment I saw the sky illuminating slightly I immediately knew that Dabi needs some help. Once I parted from the heroes, I immediately began flying with high speed towards the normal route I would fly until I could see some blue flames.

Me: DABS!!!!

Please be okay!

I know my route is safe!

There shouldn't be any major criminals or organizations being there!

No hero should be around either!

Don't tell me you went looking for trouble yourself!

Come on!

You just told me not to go looking for trouble and then you just go looking for it yourself!

That is not fair at all!

You know that!

Why didn't you invite me to the party sooner!


You better be okay!

Something was wrong. I could see him shooting fire up into the air and then it hit me. There he was. Hawks. The number 2 hero was cornering Dabi.

Of fucking course it's that rooster!

I should have just let the glitter cloud consume him!

How dare he attack you!

At least you did manage to hurt him pretty badly too!

Good job!

Though how did you find him?


He never is in this part of the city!

Like ever!

Did you go on a chicken hunt?

I knew you like that chicken but come on!

Remind me to let you two meet and feast on some chicken nugget some time. I have a feeling you guys would get along if not for the fact that we are on the opposite side of law and he is controlled by the hero commission.


Maybe I should get them together!

What am I even thinking?!

This is not the right time for this!

Since I there was still a good distance in between us, I couldn't quite make out who was attacking who and what's worse. I could see a couple of more guys standing there attacking both of them.


This symbol!


Why are they after Dabs?

Wait don't tell me they were after me and found Hawks?!

Please let it not be that!


Once I was closer to them, I finally saw that Hawks and Dabi were working together and that Hawks was butting some of Hawks feathers purposely on fire and hitting the enemy. There was way to many villains to just go in and fight them on my own while also worrying about Dabi and Hawks.

I can't fight them all and taking care of these two!

I mean come on look at them!

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