Be aware of the pink glitter cloud! IT IS AFTER YOU!!!

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The rest of the day me and Dabi were on a low profile since the heroes were searching for us and not only that but I knew that Endeavor was also currently in a hospital in an artificial coma.

How did I know that?

Well I you see, I still had a computer that worked somehow. All I had to do was invite myself into the security system. It was very easy to say the least. Really easy! All I did was hacking myself into the CCTV footage of the hospital and the medical report of a certain trash bag that was all I would like to say but no that was only the beginning.

Once I had all the information I made a screenshot and send them to the new station.


Dabi: You are making me anxious smiling and laughing like that! What did you do?

Me: Ohh nothing much!

Dabi: Nothing much but smiling as if you just killed someone! You sure about that?

Me: Yes!

Dabi: You really think I am that dumb?

Me: Yes.

I was on the PC and barely listening to what Dabi said so I didn't pay the last sentence he said much attention.

Dabi: Azrael you are a fucking idiot!

Me: Yes.

Still not paying him any mind I continued collecting his medical reports as well as some pictures about how his injuries had looked like before they began healing him.

Dabi: Would you like to screw yourself?

Me: Yes.

It took me a couple of minutes to finish it but as soon as I said yes and began thinking about what he just said, I looked up at him. Dabi was smiling at me with a Cheshire smile.

Me: Go fuck yourself! You know I wasn't paying you much attention!

Dabi: Oh really? I haven't noticed that!

Me: Screw you!

Dabi: With pleasure! Now what were you doing?

Me: Collecting all the evidence of what we did and just send them to the news station!

Dabi: It shouldn't take long for them to throw themselves on the meat you gave them.

Me: It won't but the real question is if they will get an even better piece of meat in form of money.

Dabi: Hmmm.... That trash will try and silence them.

Me: Quick question. Did you ever wanted to be a radio host?

Dabi: No why?

Me: Well too bad, we will be on air in about.... NOW!

I was hacking myself into the next open radio station that was easy to bypass. The thing was that I just opened a random radio channel and hijacked it. Since I didn't wanted people to know who we really are besides our aliases I used a voice changing software on the pc while directly transferring everything I was talking to the radio station satellite airing it.

Me: HELLO EVERYONE! First of I am so sorry for just interfering this boring channel. It won't be long I promise, right Dabs!

Dabi: The hell, Azrael!

Me: Ahh I see you still haven't heard about the news?

Dabi: You mean about the walking pile of trash?

Me: No, I mean about my the featherless red chicken! Of course, I mean him who else?

Dabi: Stop being so sarcastic!

Azrael  (Vigilante Deku)Where stories live. Discover now