Another Attempt...

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A week past after what happened and I needed to lay down because of Hawks. He and Dabi were not patrolling where he found me the last time. I found it rather interesting that they would do something like this just for a kid they didn't even know.

In this one week I learned a lot about Sho-chans past. Even though he was telling me about his past I barely told him about mine. There was nothing I wanted to do more but to open up to someone but I couldn't. I just couldn't endanger his life. If Orchid ever found out about us then I don't know what I would do.

For now, I felt like we were really good friends and I was sure that there was even a little bit more than that but I didn't want to ruin it and I could feel that Shoto was still not ready for it and so I enjoyed the time we were together.

The first thing I do was meet up with Sho-chan and then go on my patrol route. I knew where Sho-chan lived and since it was do dangerous for him to get out of his household every time, we quickly came to an agreement that he should only go to the backyard of his home and meet me there. Thankfully there were no security cameras at all.

Sho-chan: Izu, what's on your mind?

Me: Huh?

Sho-chan: You seem lost in thoughts and this is not the first time this week.

Me: Oh... Ahm It's just something Hawks said and then the thing with the detective.

Sho-chan: What did he say?

Me: He tried to tell me something important or so I think.

Sho-chan: But?

Me: Your dad kinda tried to kill me so I took the opportunity and escaped.

Sho-chan: Oh.. I am sorry.

Me: For what?

Sho-chan: I mean he is still my biological egg donor.

Me: You mean trash can or golden credit card.

Sho-chan: How did you-?

Me: Know?

Sho-chan: I really can't hide anything from ya, hm?

Me: No and besides I would have done the same so yeah... I could have guessed that one.

Sho-chan: He doesn't miss it anyways.

Me: True.

Sho-chan: What did Hawks started to say?

Me: Something about me not knowing. *sigh* I seriously don't get why all the people are after me but then again try to help me out.

Sho-chan: That's because you are so precious!

Me: No, Sho-chan! I am not. I am broken.

Sho-chan: I see someone else sitting beside me. What I see is a guardian angel trying to help and protect all the people he can.

Me. Sho-chan....

Sho-chan: Ohh look it's already late. You should go to your patrol now. I need to go back inside too.

Me: Sho-chan...

Sho-chan: See ya tomorrow Izu!

Me: See ya.

I watched him stand up and leave the place where we were laying on the ground. Not feeling like standing up right I way I stayed there laying on the ground a couple of minutes longer.

Me and guardian angel...

I am nothing that special...

I am just a hunted bird.

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