Azrael the guardian angel of the heroes!

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It was the after the USJ incident and it was already morning and I could see all the reports in front of the gates. However, there was a reason why I was up this early and walking towards the principal's office. It also wasn't a coincident that the news knew about the USJ incident. I let Shiggy leak some information just enough for them to take the bait and be here where I wanted them to be.

I didn't need to knock as I found the principal's office already open. Once I went in I found Nezu already on the couch with two cups of tea.

Nezu: As I expected. Please close the door behind you.

I did as he said and joined him afterwards for a cup of tea.

Me: You already knew that I was coming?

Nezu: Yes. I also have a feeling that it was you who leaked some information to the hyenas outside after my miserable attempt to hide everything.

Me: Indeed.

Nezu: What do you expect me to do?

Me: Announce that Azrael will not be vigilante for long but a hero and free from any agency.

Nezu: Azrael or Falcon.

Me: I go by the name of Azrael and I'll stick to that. I want the people to know and I am counting on their trust.

Nezu: What are you planning?

Me: I'll be with you while you announce that but I'll also reveal things about the hero commission. All these years I got the trust of the people until the point they are nearly worshipping me. I rescued a lot of people as well as heroes. Now is the perfect time to let them help me.

Nezu: I see. Not even the strongest hero can go against an entire city. Not even the pro heroes will be able to do stop a right coming from the citizens of this city.

Me: Exactly. People need to know how their beloved heroes are made and only used as a weapon which they are not!

Nezu: I understand. Then let's go and announce a new era, shall we?

Me: Yes.

We both finished our tea before Nezu let the reports be leas to the assembly hall and that was where we both were standing right now. I was wearing my vigilante costume and was ready to revealed myself to the world. Now after everything what happened and all the years that I used in order to build up a reputation and everyone's trust.

Nezu: Welcome everyone. I am sure you have a lot of questions right now but we are here today to announce a new hero in training.

I could hear the uproar of the reporters and that was when I decided to use my quirk to make my wings glow for a little bit and after that every single attention was on me.

Me: Hello everyone! I am sure some of you already heard of me if not everyone. I go under the name of Azrael and yes, I am a vigilante but as of this year I am officially a hero in training.

After that I began explaining the USJ incident telling them that I was the on preventing it. Of course, I didn't tell them that I knew them. However, it was well known to everyone that villains would go and hand themselves in after they had a talk with me so it wasn't surprising that they didn't wanted to fight me.

Then I went on the topic of the hero commission and told them my experience with them and also revealed bits and pieces of Hawk's past telling them how heroes were made in their eyes.

At the end of my talk I had a completely silent room with a lot of reporter sobbing. This was a live broadcast meaning that everyone saw it and that was when I appealed to everyone to stand up and fight for their heroes.

After the little show I gave them it didn't take long for the citizens to stand up and go on the street all together demanding that the hero commission would step down. However, they never were peaceful. They all used their quirk even the police came in and helped the citizens. Heroes as well as police and citizens were all together as well as some villains and they all fought for the same goal. To free their beloved heroes from the hero commission grasp.

It took them 3 days until they managed to get into the building and all the hero commission head people were brought out in cuffs. Me and the LOV never needed to do anything and after the fight ended, Me and Nezu had another meeting with the meeting.

In this meeting Nezu announced that me and Hawks as well as Dabi and Shoto would be the head of the hero commission and in charge of it. Once people heard that they all cheered for me. This was how I gained the tital of Guardian Angel of the Heroes.

Not only where people happy about me, I also began doing my job as a hero. Since I did have a lot of experience being a vigilante I got the provision license immediately and this was how I went flying from one hospital to the other healing people that needed to be healed. I also made a lot of background check just so I was sure that the people I did heal deserved to be healed and couldn't afford it.

Me: And Hawk how does it feel to be free?

Hawks: Kinda nice.

Me: Didn't thought that there would be this much people going on the street in order to save us.

Hawks: They all love our angel.

Me: Well anyways I need to go to Sho-chan! I promised him we would spend the day together. He told me he had something planned out.

Hawks: Oh, he has and a quick recommendation. Just say yes.

Me: Huh? Yes, to what?

Hawks: You'll see.

After that me and Shoto spend the rest of the day and for some reason we went to a nice restaurant and I only found out later that Hawks and Dabi rented the entire restaurant out. They all knew but no one told me.

At the end of our meal, we got some desert and the moment I started eating my cake, I found something in it.

Me: Sho-chan is this... a ring?

Shoto: Yes.

He then took the ring from me and quickly began cleaning it before going to my side and on his knees.

Sho-chan: My dear Angel, will you be with me forever and never leave my side?

Me: ... Sho-chan... I... YES!

He then put the ring on my finger and gave me a quick kiss. We both knew that we were still too young for a real marriage but we were now officially betrothed together and I was his fiancé. It was only a matter of a time that we were married.

As a hero we were always together. They called us a dream team like Hawks and Dabi. Though Shoto was there to help me to not be on my own. He was my sword and I was his armor.

The LOV on the other hand became my shadow and acted on my command to remove serious of organizations as well as villains that threatened the peace in the city.

This was how I, the guardian angel of the heroes, declared a new are and carefully watched over everyone making sure that there would be no harm dealt to my city and its citizen. This was what I promised them and this was what I was doing.


A/N: Thanks for reading this story. I hope you enjoyed reading it. 

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