Grim Verdicts

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I slowly woke up feeling something really warm close to me not only that but I felt very comfy. the last thing I could remember was being carried inside the police station by the detective I saved. I did remember the couch to be very comfy but not this comfy.

???: MEW!

Is that a cat?

No freaking way am I hearing Sansa the cat head mew this cute!

He is always making NYA!

The moment I thought this, my eyes flew open and I began looking around. My wings were still around me, protecting and shielding me like a cocoon. However, the moment I began moving them to the side and slowly sitting up, I was meet with a snow white cat with greenish eyes looking at me.

Cat: MEW!

Me: Ahm hi?!


That cat came to my side and it was clear to me that it wanted to be picked up and so I did as the cat asked and not only that but also decided to get out of the room.

Me: You wouldn't know where I am?


I continued stroking the cat as I exited the room. The first thing I saw was that my black wings were white again which means someone did a good job cleaning them.

The moment I stepped out of the room I knew exactly where I was.

You must be kidding me?!


A heroes home?

How the heck did I end up here?!

I began following the nice smell of some bacon and ended up in the kitchen with the cat in my hand purring extremely loud.

Mic: Oh hey little angel. It's good to see you up. How are you feeling?

Me: Present Mic? Wait how late is it and for how long was I out?

Mic: It's around 1 p.m. and you were out for 3 days.

Me: ... Should you be at UA?

Mic: I would if it isn't my day off. Besides Nezu told us to have at least one hero at home watching over you.

Me: Nezu knows?

Mic: Yep. Don't look at me like that!

Me: Like what?

Mic: It's not how you think it is!

Me:Let me guess, the rat figured it out himself.

Mic: How did you know?

Me: It's Nezu we are talking about after all!

Mic: Huh...

Me: Anyways how's the detective?

Mic: Tsukauchi?

Me: Hm?

He was currently making some food and the bacon was only the topping. The moment he was finished he put it down on the table and ushed me to go to the table too. I still had the cat in my hand and it was still purring.

Mic: He's fine thanks to you.

Me: Good to hear that.

Mic: Now come on let's eat!

Me: Itadakimasu!

Mic: Itadakimasu!

While I began digging in, the cat was laying in my lap enjoying to be there. For some reason this cat was awfully clingy.

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